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Autoflower Seeds

Autoflower seeds give you more flowers for fewer hours

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What are autoflowering marijuana seeds?

Autoflowering seeds are your ticket to harvests in half the time. These marijuana strains are small, sturdy, fast-flowering, and non-photoperiod. They automatically bloom after several weeks of vegging, finishing their entire life cycle in around ten weeks.

Autos are a favorite among impatient stoners and growers in cold areas. They let you taste test new cultivars after a short waiting period. You can grow two batches per season and cultivate stretchy strains even with limited vertical space. What’s not to love?

Drop the waiting game and fill your mason jars with cannabinoid-rich buds fast. As a bonus, our auto cultivars are already feminized. There’s no need to worry about complicated light setups or males in your garden. Order seeds from i49 and set yourself up for gardening success.

How fast do autoflowering seeds grow?

Fast development is the number one selling point of autoflowering cannabis seeds. Expect your crops to run the entire seed-to-harvest course in short ten weeks. Some sativa strains need more, while indica plants tend to be ripe and ready in as early as seven or eight weeks.

If you’re an outdoor cultivator, autoflowering seeds let you plant two batches of cannabis per season. Alternatively, start late and still collect colas in August or September. There’s no reason to worry about frost and bad weather ruining your harvest.

Indoor growers can maintain summer temperatures all year long. Over a year, these beauties leave you with more buds than you’d get from a photoperiod garden. Mix things up with strains with varying environmental requirements or keep an always-fresh stash of your go-to.

Why do cannabis growers love autoflower seeds?

The autoflower variant derives from crossing marijuana strains with ruderalis plants. The result is an easy-to-grow cultivar that isn't dependent on light cycles. These plants flower at a specific age, typically 5–6 weeks after germination. To understand autoflowering seeds properly, we need to look at their life cycle compared to other variants.

Cannabis seeds go through four growth phases before reaching maturity:

  • Germination 
  • Seedling stage
  • Vegetative stage
  • Flowering stage

The first two phases are the same for auto and photoperiod strains, while the last two differ. The latter remains in the vegetative phase until the number of daylight hours changes to around 12/12.

When cultivating an autoflower weed seed, you don’t need to alter how much light it receives. The plant automatically enters the flowering phase after an allotted duration. The exact time varies among strains and may differ from one phenotype to the next.

There are multiple advantages to growing autoflowering weed seeds. These cultivars are relatively straightforward to cultivate and boast hardy characteristics. However, it’s essential to avoid stressful events, as the plants don’t have much time to recover. Keep an eye out for under/overwatering, rough transplants, harsh conditions, and incorrect pot sizes.

Here are some of the benefits of growing non-photoperiod cannabis crops:

  • Autos are beginner-friendly, provided you avoid stressing them. 
  • They grow fast, with some strains ready for harvest in as little as seven weeks.
  • The flowering time is shorter than that of photoperiod plants.
  • Cultivate these crops all year round and enjoy multiple harvests in a single season.
  • Autoflowers are compact and fit into small indoor growing areas.
  • Due to their ruderalis genetics, the plants aren’t susceptible to pests and pathogens. 
  • Autos don’t need as much maintenance or pruning.
  • These non-photoperiod crops flourish indoors and in suitable outdoor locations.
  • Most product options include autoflower feminized seeds, which come with the bonus of all-female plants in 99% of cases.

Keep in mind that these advantages are strain-dependent. Some cannabis cultiv

How much do autoflowers yield?

Autoflowering crops are convenient and have a relatively short duration between seed and harvest. However, they often don't deliver the same yields as photoperiod strains. The main reason for the smaller harvest is the size of the plants. Their petite structure struggles to bear the weight of the heavy buds. The average yield for outdoor autoflower seeds ranges around 0.35–8 oz./plant.

Although genetics significantly affect how many buds your crops produce, environmental factors also play a role. Aspects like soil quality, light exposure, and training techniques may help boost the output.

How to grow autoflowering seeds

Whether you’re growing marijuana seeds for beginners or strains more suited to veteran cultivators, creating an ideal environment is vital. During the early stages of development, your plants require warm temperatures and high humidity. As the crops mature, their needs change. There are several cultivation factors to remember when you see autoflowering seeds for sale. Let’s investigate each stage.


Germinating autoflower seeds

The first step on your marijuana cultivation journey begins with sprouting your seeds. Several germination methods work effectively, but a few are more costly and unreliable than others. Some growers invest in heat mats, germination stations, or humidity domes to give their feminized autoflower seeds the best possible start.

Most breeders opt for a simple, cheap, and convenient germination method. The paper towel technique is one of the most effective ways of getting your seeds to pop. Gather a few household items and assemble your premium-quality cannabis seeds. Then, follow our germination guide below.

You need:

  • Two paper towels
  • Two dinner plates
  • Purified water
  • A pair of tweezers


Place one of the dinner plates on a sturdy surface. Wet a paper towel and place it in the center.

Use tweezers to pick up your autoflower cannabis seeds and gently place them on the damp towel. Space them an inch apart to give the roots adequate growing room.

Cover the seeds with a second damp paper towel and close the setup with another dinner plate. This makeshift germination station provides the ideal environment for roots to develop.

Check your seeds daily. You should notice small, white taproots within 1–5 days. Always ensure that the towels are damp. If they appear to dry out, add water. Discard any autoflowering feminized seeds that don’t pop within more than 10–14 days.


Planting autoflower seeds

Once your marijuana seeds germinate, decide where you want to cultivate them. Like regular and feminized seeds, autos flourish indoors, but outdoor growing is possible under the right conditions. Plant them in pots or directly into the ground. Many growers use seed starter kits once the roots appear, creating the ideal environment. 

Some growers wonder how to get autoflowering seeds to flourish during the cultivation process. Ensure that the temperature is warm and the humidity levels are moderate. Use premium products in your cultivation efforts and decide what growing medium you want to use. Aside from just soil, other options include:

  • Coco coir: This organic substrate is made from coconut husks. It has a free-draining nature and makes your soil lighter and more aerated. Cultivators typically add up to 20% of coco coir to their medium, while others use a 1:1 ratio.
  • Perlite: Another substance you can add to your soil when growing auto cannabis seeds is perlite. Made from volcanic glass that expands, it improves drainage while retaining adequate water. It lightens your earth and is suitable for weed seed germination.


What soil to use for autoflowering seeds

A healthy substrate is essential to growing autoflower marijuana seeds successfully. Premium organic soil is recommended, but it may be costly. An alternative is to use a blend of different soil types. Here are some options:

  • Clay has rich nutrient content and offers sufficient minerals. The main drawback is that it develops a hard texture when dry, which could hinder the development of the roots.
  • Silt provides tons of nutrients and has excellent water-retention qualities. This soil type may get stiff and crusty, which isn’t ideal. 
  • Sand is loose and aerated but has poor water retention properties.
  • Loamy soil is a mixture of all these types and provides your autoflower pot seeds with a well-balanced growing medium.

Each type of soil has pros and cons. Dense soil with poor drainage isn’t ideal for autos. The roots struggle to grow, and absorbing nutrients is challenging. Overwatering is a significant risk due to the density and holding water for longer. 

Make an affordable autoflower mix by combining 80% supermarket soil, 10% coco coir, and 10% perlite. It doesn't matter if the ratio isn't exact. Place the blend in a large fabric sack, and you have the ideal environment to grow your autoflower marijuana seeds.


Optimal temperature and humidity for autoflowers

Cannabis plants flourish in warm Mediterranean climates with moderate humidity levels. Outdoor growers in the USA require tropical weather to reap a successful yield. Opt for indoor cultivation in cold climate areas. Your plants stand a better chance of producing the biggest yield possible of buds grown from high-THC weed seeds.

The exact temperature range for auto cannabis seeds varies from one cultivar to the next. The average is around 65–85°F. Seeds need high humidity levels of about 80–90% during germination. Lower this range to about 55–60% as the plants mature. When the crops flip to flower, it should be between 40–50%.


Nutrients and feeding schedule for autoflowers

Auto feminized seeds grow into resilient crops that don’t require many nutrients. If you cultivate them in healthy soil, you may not even need to supplement them at all. When your plants transition to the vegetative phase, provide modest macronutrients. Take care not to overfeed, as it can burn your crops. Check the pH levels of your grow medium regularly, and add supplementation as necessary.


Best water for autoflowers

When cultivating auto fem seeds, the type of water you use plays a role in plant health. There are three primary considerations when it comes to hydrating your crops:

  • Parts per million (PPM): The number of chemicals or contaminants in a single volume of water. You require a different amount during each growth stage. When the crops are in the early vegetative phase, a range of 500–600 PPM is best. Once the plants flip to flower, a PPM of 1000–1100 is ideal.
  • Temperature: Autoflowering marijuana seeds and crops need their water to be at the right temperature. A range of 68–78°F is best. 
  • pH levels: Ensure that the pH levels of the water are around 6–6.8.


Autoflowers and low-stress training (LST)

As explained previously, autos don’t have a long life cycle, so exposing them to stress isn't a great idea. Some growers aim to enhance the yield of their auto weed seeds by implementing low-stress training methods. They often use the Sea of Green (SOG) or Screen of Green (ScrOG) options.

The SOG technique is ideal for cultivating multiple crops in a small area. The crops grow a canopy of buds due to how closely packed they are. Breeders typically keep a keen eye out for cheap autoflower seeds online, as they require several plants to implement this LST method. Autos are suited to the SOG method as they have a compact structure.

The ScrOG training method is slightly different and uses a screen to encourage horizontal growth instead of vertical. It optimizes light exposure and ensures the buds develop on an even plane.


Should I trim autoflowers?

Pruning the plants grown from your autoflowering cannabis seeds isn't recommended, but if necessary, do it during the vegetative stage. Only remove excess foliage and large fan leaves obstructing light and airflow. Avoid heavy defoliation, as the plants may not be able to replace the leaves within their short life cycle. Applying trimming techniques during the later part of the flowering stage can be risky. You might shock the crops, affecting your yield.

How to grow autoflower seeds indoors

Buy autoflower seeds in the USA and grow them indoors at any time of the year. This choice gives you complete control of the environment. Indoor cultivators can manipulate light, temperature, moisture levels, and other variables to boost plant health. For example, you can use a hygrometer to regulate the relative humidity (RH) according to the strain’s specific requirements.


Temperature and humidity

When growing auto fem seeds, keep the temperature range between 65–85°F, with the precise number depending on the cultivar. A moderate RH of around 55% is ideal. Drop it to a minimum of 40% in the late flowering stage. Make sure the grow area is well-ventilated with sufficient airflow. Some growers opt for fans, as they cool the room, reduce the risk of pathogens, and help strengthen the branches by providing resistance.



Autoflowers aren't picky about how many daytime hours they receive. The more exposure these plants get, the better their health. Select from a 12/12 or 18/6 light cycle. Some growers give their crops 24 hours of illumination to experience vigorous growth.


Plant care

Pruning the plants isn't necessary if the lower foliage receives ample light and enough ventilation. A moderate trim of excess leaves may facilitate airflow, but resist the urge to remove more than required. Clean up any old leaves and inspect the foliage of your crops regularly for any signs of disease or deficiency.

How to grow autoflower seeds outdoors

Fast autoflower seeds in the USA typically flourish outdoors. The crops thrive in warm sunny weather with moderate humidity. These non-photoperiod strains are robust and can typically withstand climate fluctuations, but frost and other precipitation may be harmful. There are two options for outdoor growing:


Cultivating in pots

If you opt for pots, remember that size matters. If they're too small, the auto fem seeds' roots might not be able to develop correctly. The benefit of a container is that your plants are mobile. Move your crops inside when the weather gets too cold or if there’s heavy rainfall. Mobility is also advantageous if you need to move them due to pests or prying eyes. 

The minor drawback of using pots is that you must monitor your crops more closely for adverse reactions to their conditions. Theft in certain areas is also a problem. These plants rely on you to get enough water and nutrients. Place them in a sunny spot to get adequate light, and only add modest supplementation during the vegetative phase.


Cultivating directly into the ground

When you plant auto feminized weed seeds directly in the ground, they grow more independently. The roots develop freely, and the crops develop rapidly to their full size. You also have slightly less maintenance to keep up with. The main drawback is that you can't move them. When heavy downpours, snow, or frost occur, they’re exposed. The simplest way to overcome this problem is by installing an outdoor shelter or canopy.

Expert tips on how to maximize autoflower yields

Getting your hands on super autoflower seeds in the USA and collecting maximum yields may seem challenging. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be. Make the most of our available strains by following a few expert tips:

  • Use premium seeds: The most crucial factor in cannabis is genetics. Select the kind of strain that offers the compounds and yields you're after. Ensure that you source your weed seeds from a reliable supplier that stocks quality products.
  • Use a high-quality growing medium: Use premium products when cultivating cannabis. Organic soil or a blend of similar substrates gives your crops a higher chance of success. Some growers utilize hydroponics, encouraging rapid growth and more efficient nutrient intake.
  • Expose your plants to enough light: Autoflowers thrive with plenty of light. When growing outdoors, choose a sunny spot. Indoor cultivators should consider 24-hour daytime hours for these marijuana plants.

Autoflowering seeds with the fastest genetics

Select cannabis strains with a short life cycle if you want to grow auto crops quickly. Some of the fastest growing cultivars include:

  • AK47 autoflower: This strain is a hybrid featuring 17–21% THC and 1% CBD. It grows to roughly 2–4 feet and takes about eight weeks from seed to harvest. The foliage of these autoflowers gets quite bushy, and light trimming may be necessary. The buds are fragrant and exude aromas of pine, fruit, spice, herbs, and candy.

Expect mellow effects and euphoria that last about an hour before the relaxing physical sensations set in. Outdoor setups offer a yield of 2–3. oz./plant, while indoor crops deliver around 17 oz./m².

  • Super Skunk autoflower: These autoflower seeds thrive all year round in warm, temperate conditions. They grow well indoors or outdoors, provided there’s no frost. Nugs contain 14–19% THC and 0.3% CBD. This hybrid has a dominant skunk flavor, along with cheese, sweet citrus, and earthy undertones. The effects are uplifting and euphoric.

This strain offers an indoor yield of approximately 5 oz./m² and 1–4 oz./ plant outdoors. The nugs are ready for harvest within eight weeks.

  • Northern Lights autoflower: Named after the eye-catching aurora borealis, these autoflower seeds for sale grow well in various environments. Plants reach heights of three feet and are slightly taller outside. THC levels average around 14–16%, and the CBD content is negligible. The strain is indica-dominant and has a sweet flavor. It induces relaxing yet narcotic effects.

The typical indoor yield is 12–15 oz./m², while outdoor crops produce 2–4 oz./plant. These crops are usually ready for harvest within nine weeks.

  • Purple Kush autoflower: Grow these autoflower weed seeds indoors or outdoors. The indica-leaning plants take 8–10 weeks to mature. The most appealing aspect of this cultivar is its delectable scent, which includes berries, sandalwood, pepper, earth, and grape. These fragrances translate well into the flavor, but the fruity taste dominates on the exhale. It contains 15–20% THC.

This strain is compact and bushy, requiring minimal maintenance throughout its life cycle. Indoor plants generally produce 10 oz./m², while outdoor crops offer 1–2 oz. each.

  • Critical Fast Bud autoflower: These autoflowering cannabis seeds don’t disappoint. This hybrid is fast flowering, with glistening nugs ready for harvest in about seven weeks. Plants are small and only reach two feet. Buds contain 17–20% THC and low CBD levels. The aromatic profile is a blend of sweet honey and diesel. This strain is best enjoyed in the early evening, as the effects are euphoric, relaxing, and sedative.

Indoor crops offer 14–17 oz./m², while those grown outside produce around 2–3 oz./plant.

The highest-yielding autoflowering seeds

Autoflowers offer many advantages to growers but come with one minor drawback: small harvests. Fortunately, some strains provide above-average yields. The list includes:

  • Sour Diesel autoflower: The love child of the original Sour Deez strain and a ruderalis, this cultivar is a favorite among tokers. It’s a sativa-dominant hybrid that grows to an average height of three feet. Some outdoor cultivators may nurture their crops to five feet tall, but these larger plants are an exception. 

Cultivating these crops is reasonably straightforward. They flourish as long as they receive adequate light. These autoflowers are fuss-free and don't need much supplementation, provided that the soil is of premium quality. The buds contain up to 23% THC, and crops typically mature in nine weeks. The average harvest is 12–14 oz./m² inside and 1–6 oz./plant outside. 

  • Gorilla Glue #4 autoflower: Gorilla Glue tops the list of cultivars with a reputation for sticky nugs. This autoflowering indica-leaning hybrid induces uplifting euphoria before relaxing your whole body and softening your limbs into lazy couch-lock. Each bud contains up to 24% THC with minimal CBD. 

The strain’s life cycle is approximately 8–10 weeks. The indoor harvest is bountiful, with a typical yield of 15–19 oz./m². Outdoor setups produce roughly 2–4 oz./plant.

  • Tangerine autoflower: These auto feminized seeds are a grower’s delight and thrive in various environments. The buds are ready for picking in about eight weeks and exude tantalizing aromas during the flowering phase. The dominant scents are fruity. Expect a cocktail of pine, citrus, pineapple, apple, and tangerine.

It only takes a few tokes to feel the uplifting, energizing, and calming effects. This strain is THC-rich with levels of 14–17%. When cultivating these auto cannabis seeds, expect a yield of 14 oz./m² indoors and 3–4 oz./plant outside.

  • Banana Kush autoflower: This indica-dominant hybrid has a life cycle of around eight weeks. It features 17–20% THC and delivers powerful effects that whisk you into euphoric bliss. After a while, you feel relaxed and lazy with a slight case of the munchies.

As the name of these autoflower seeds suggests, they produce buds with a fruity profile. Expect strong scents of banana and sweetness. Indoors, these plants offer 19 oz./m², while outdoor crops provide approximately 4–7 oz.

  • Devil XXL autoflower: This indica-dominant hybrid contains 19–20% THC. It induces a solid cerebral buzz and relaxes your entire body. The flavors blend citrus and incense with a hint of spice.

When you grow these auto weed seeds, they take roughly eight weeks to mature. Indoor crops offer 15–17 oz./m², and outdoor plants produce 2–7 oz. each.

Our top 5 autoflowering seeds for indoor growing

With so many fantastic options, deciding which non-photoperiod cannabis cultivar to grow inside may be challenging. Our favorite indoor autos are:

  • Afghan autoflower: These indica-leaning autoflower pot seeds contain 15–17% THC and minimal CBD. The buds boast a dominant citrus fragrance with noticeable wood and spice notes. The effects hit almost instantly and impact you cerebrally at first, washing away all negative emotions. When growing these autoflowers, expect indoor yields of 14 oz./m² and outdoor harvests of 2–4 oz./plant.
  • Amnesia autoflower: If you're looking for a strain to help you forget all your troubles, this cultivar is the ideal pick. These sativa-dominant auto seeds mature within seven weeks. Buds have an average of 10–19% THC and minimal CBD. They're sweet and fruity with hints of spice. The standard yield for indoor growers is 19–21 oz./m². Outdoor cultivating produces roughly 3–5 oz./plant.
  • Aurora autoflower: These autoflower seeds grow into indica-leaning crops with sweet-flavored buds. Each nug contains up to 22% THC and induces relaxing effects. Crops are ready for harvest in approximately eight weeks, and the average yield is 16–19 oz./m² indoors and 3–7 oz./plant outdoors.
  • Blue Cheese autoflower: This strain offers tokers a rich flavor profile reminiscent of a charcuterie board. A blend of cheese and berries tickles the taste buds. The THC levels average 14–16% and bring about feelings of laziness and calmness. These autoflower marijuana seeds take up to nine weeks to reach maturity. Indoor crops produce 14–17 oz./m², while outdoor plants offer 2–5 oz. each.
  • Bubba Kush autoflower: This indica-dominant cultivar has THC-rich buds ranging from 15–20%. The effects are calming with slight sedative properties, and the flavors are intense, consisting of incense, earth, and citrus. These autoflower pot seeds take around nine weeks from seed to harvest. Indoor plants produce approximately 14 oz./m², whereas outdoor crops yield an average of 3–5 oz.

Our top 5 autoflowering seeds for outdoor growing

Outdoor growing is an enjoyable and rewarding challenge. These are our top five options if you want to cultivate autoflowers outside:

  • Cream autoflower: This indica-leaning marijuana hybrid features moderate THC levels of 12–16%. The effects are powerful but take a few moments to hit. The flavor is a citrus fusion consisting of orange and tangerine. Growing these plants is straightforward, and they're ready for harvest in less than nine weeks. Yields average 10–14 oz./m² inside and 3–7 oz./ plant outside.
  • Critical +2.0 autoflower: These autoflower crops are indica-dominant hybrids. The plants’ life cycle takes approximately nine weeks from seed to harvest. The buds are aromatic, exuding skunk and citrus scents. The strain boasts 16–20% THC, and the effects are potent. When growing this cultivar, expect to harvest roughly 14 oz./m² indoors and 2–4 oz./plant outdoors. 
  • Fruit autoflower: This strain is ideal if you’re looking for fast growing autoflower cannabis seeds. The buds are typically ready for harvest about six weeks after germination. These nugs feature 10% THC and 7% CBD. The effects are calming and soothing. The flavor profile is sweet and fruity. Indoor growers reap harvests of 1–4 oz./m², while outdoor growers accumulate 4–6 oz./plant. 
  • Girl Scout Cookies autoflower: This strain is indica-leaning, and the autoflowers take roughly nine weeks to mature. Each nug contains approximately 18–22% THC, and the effects of this cultivar are relatively balanced. Auto Girl Scout Cookies is fragrant, exuding aromas of fruit and incense. Indoor growers can look forward to a harvest of 17–21 oz./m², while outdoor cultivators get 2–5 oz./plant.
  • G13 autoflower: Cultivating these autoflower seeds is a rewarding task. The strain is indica-dominant, and its life cycle lasts about nine weeks. It’s a hard-hitting cultivar with sky-high THC levels ranging from 22–24%. The flavors are fresh and fruity, with herbal notes invigorating your taste buds. The average yield is 15–19 oz./m² indoors and 2–4 oz./plant outside.

The most potent autoflowering seed for a knock-out high

Are you looking to grow a hard-hitting non-photoperiod marijuana strain? Select from these five fabulous options: 

  • Black Jack autoflower: This sativa-leaning cannabis hybrid is ideal for unwinding. It contains 17–19% THC and matures in approximately seven weeks. It offers sweet and intense flavors while relaxing the body and mind. Indoor growers who cultivate these autoflowers reap about 14–19 oz./m², whereas outdoor cultivators harvest around 1–8 oz./plant.
  • Gelato autoflower: Named after the Italian dessert, this sugary hybrid strain is a favorite among recreational tokers. It’s typically ready for harvest within nine weeks and contains 19–21% THC. The effects are uplifting and euphoric. Inside, these crops yield 14–17 oz./m², while outdoor plants produce 2–4 oz. each.
  • White Widow autoflower: When cultivating these auto seeds, expect a bountiful harvest in 8–9 weeks. The buds induce balanced effects with a pleasant cerebral buzz. The THC level is 16–20%, and the nugs exude sweet citrus scents. Indoors, these plants offer 10–15 oz./m², while outdoor crops produce 2–3 oz. each.
  • Yumbolt autoflower: Marijuana buds grown from these autoflower seeds contain 12–24% THC and induce a dreamy body buzz. The flavors comprise sugary berries and moss. Plants are ready for harvest within eight weeks. The average yield is 14 oz./m² indoors and 12 oz./plant outdoors. 
  • Pineapple autoflower: Growing these autoflower weed seeds is relatively straightforward. This fruity-flavored cultivar induces relaxing sensations that soothe you to sleep. Crops take around eight weeks to mature, and each nug contains 12–15% THC. Indoor yields average 14–21 oz./m², whereas outdoor harvests offer 2–5 oz./plant.

Where to buy autoflower weed seeds

Finding autoflower seeds for sale in the US is easier than ever before. You can visit your local weed dispensary in states where cannabis is legal, but they might not have what you’re looking for.

For a more comprehensive selection, visit our online store to select your preferred non-photoperiod strain. While we don’t yet offer worldwide shipping, we deliver nationwide to the US in a few days. Large-scale growers can choose from an extensive range of bulk weed seeds at a lower rate with fast delivery.


Where can I buy cheap autoflower seeds?

If you’re searching for cheap cannabis seeds, the i49 store is your best bet. Our products are of premium quality and offer excellent value for money. Whether you want to buy autoflower seeds in bulk or get a few discounted seeds for your indoor grow room, i49 has what you’re looking for.

We have a variety of autoflower bundles on offer. Pick from a wide selection and access detailed information about each strain to help you along your cultivation journey.

Frequently asked questions about autoflower seeds

We’ve covered most of the essential information regarding autoflower cannabis plants. Let’s look at some frequently asked questions.


Are autoflower seeds from i49 already feminized?

The majority of auto seeds from our i49 seed store contain feminized genetics. They offer a 99% guarantee of all-female, non-photoperiod plants. Some of these strains come with high yield potential.


Can I just plant autoflower seeds?

If you plant autoflowering weed seeds directly into their final pot, they may sprout into healthy plants. However, veteran growers prefer using special germination techniques to start their seeds. These methods ensure the seedlings develop healthy roots before transferring them to a pot.


Are autoflower seeds suitable for beginners?

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are generally easy to grow, provided you avoid stressing your crops at all costs. If there are any cultivation errors, the plants' may not have enough time to recover. Unlike photoperiod varieties, you can't extend the vegetative stage to allow time for healing.


What’s the difference between autoflower and photoperiod seeds?

The main difference between photoperiod and autoflower weed seeds is their response to light cycles. The change in daylight hours initiates the former's transition to the flowering stage, while the latter automatically flips to the final phase when it reaches a certain age.


How big do autoflowers get?

The genetics and growing conditions determine the final size of autoflower plants. Thanks to the ruderalis genes, they typically have a compact structure. They may even appear dwarf-like compared to some of the larger photoperiod varieties. The average height of these plants is 1–4 feet. Sativa-leaning strains tend to grow taller than autoflowering indica crops.


How do I get big buds on my autoflower plants?

A few factors impact the size of your buds. One of the main ones is picking the right strain with genetics capable of producing big nugs. Ensure that you use premium soil and avoid overwatering. Observe your plants daily and keep the humidity levels low during the flowering stage.


How long should you veg autoflowers?

A plant from an autoflowering seed transitions through the maturity phase automatically. Unlike photoperiod varieties, you can't shorten or extend the duration of the vegetative stage. The typical time these plants remain in veg is 2–5 weeks, but it varies according to the strain.

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