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Pruning Techniques

Category Articles:
sea of green

Sea of Green (SOG): an Amazing Way to Boost Cannabis Yields

There’s no denying that the sea of green technique is one of the most popular methods for growing your weed plants. It saves on energy costs...

SCROG in 5 Easy Steps

Cannabis growers are constantly looking for new ways to increase the quality and amount of their yields. Growing with a screen of green is g...
The Top 8 Cannabis Plant Training Techniques

The Top 8 Cannabis Plant Training Techniques

Whether you’re growing cannabis outdoors or indoors, in a small garden or a large grow room, the process of plant training is one that ev...
The Top 8 Cannabis Plant Training Techniques

Pruning and Cultivating Weed Plants

Pruning and Cultivating Weed Plants Marijuana growers are always looking for new ways to improve the health of their plants and increase the...
The Top 8 Cannabis Plant Training Techniques

Topping Marijuana Plants Increases Yield

Topping is a common horticultural technique that involves removing the top part of a plant to promote lateral growth. It’s particularly com...
The Top 8 Cannabis Plant Training Techniques

A Guide to Monster Cropping Marijuana for Bigger Yields

Whether you’re a mere hobby grower or a full-time industrial cannabis farmer, getting enormous and healthy yields from your plants should a...
The Top 8 Cannabis Plant Training Techniques

Super Cropping Cannabis Plants

To ensure the highest possible yield with every crop, growers must equip themselves with the perspectives, skills, and knowledge needed to ...
Cannabis breeding and genetics

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