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Super Cropping Cannabis Plants

To ensure the highest possible yield with every crop, growers must equip themselves with the perspectives, skills, and knowledge needed to grow big, potent buds. While it’s important to keep the plants healthy at every life stage, even the most intensive cultivation methods won’t bring optimal results without special techniques. In this guide, you’ll learn about super cropping and how to use it to harvest more buds each season.

Super Cropping: What Is It?

Super cropping is high-stress training (HST) technique, where the plant is harmed in a controlled way. The goal of HST is to elicit the plant’s natural response, which is to grow bigger buds and create more THC.

In a natural setting, animals consume cannabis flowers which keeps the plants from making seeds and reproducing. Most animals don’t consume the entire plant, possibly because they don’t like the taste or the effects. That’s why many growers believe that marijuana plants use THC as a defense mechanism. With accelerated production of THC and other cannabinoids, the plants grow bushier, more potent buds.

Super Cropping Increases Potency

For cannabis plants, producing resinous, tasty buds is a lifetime goal. Most THC is made by female plants, mainly in the flowers. However, it’s also found in leaves, stems, and other parts. If you’re looking for powerful buds, super cropping is a great strategy to consider.

The endocannabinoid system is comprised of hundreds of receptors, with most of them being found in the brain. With a steady supply of healthy, potent cannabis, it’s possible to treat a variety of medical conditions.

Growing Bushier Plants

As a means of self-defense, cannabis plants often grow quite bushy. Their buds, stems, and leaves tend to grow very large, but an experienced grower only needs a few tools to stress their plants properly. Cannabis plants respond well to controlled stress, and that’s why super cropping helps growers achieve vigorous growth and extra flowering.

Increasing Yield

Because super cropping helps plants grow healthier and bushier, you can expect an increased yield. When plants are bent in certain places, they grow knuckle-like appendages. These growths lead to increased flowering and THC production, which provides a higher-quality crop.

Inducing Hormone Production

Like all other plants, cannabis plants produce hormones at various points in the life cycle. When they’re super cropped, cannabis plants will produce more growth and repair hormones. Afterward, you’ll see the difference in how the plant grows and responds to certain stimuli.

Tools of the Trade

To perform successful super cropping, you’ll only need a few simple tools.

  • Your own two hands
  • A clean pair of rubber gloves, to prevent stickiness from non-flowering plant stalks
  • Duct tape
  • Stakes, trellis, cages, netting, and other garden supplies

Super cropping also requires some growing experience and knowledge. If you’re just starting out, there are plenty of videos and written tutorials online.

How to Super Crop Cannabis Plants

In this section of the guide, you’ll learn the basics of super cropping.

  1. Select the branches to be cropped. The vegetative phase is the right time to super crop plants because they’re growing healthy branches and they haven’t quite reached the flowering stage. When super cropping plants, it’s best to select branches that are older but still flexible. Apply the technique to green parts, not the woody lower portion of the main stalk. If a plant has only one cola, the goal is to create a flat upper canopy.
  2. Squeeze and bend the branches. In super cropping, the objective is to slightly damage the plants’ inner tissues without harming the outside skin. With this method, the stem can be bent in the desired direction. When squeezing the branch, use a firm thumb and forefinger to create a new joint in the stem. Wiggle the plant stem until it feels soft, then gradually and gently bend it in the appropriate direction before securing it in position. Cannabis plants are very resilient, so the site may recover within a few hours if a proper technique isn’t used.
  3. Make repairs and tie stems down. If the stem’s outside skin is intact, you can skip this step. However, if there are any breaks in the skin, duct tape provides reinforcement. Once the stems have been inspected and repaired, tie it down with twist or zip ties. The place where the stem bends will grow a big knot that transports the water and nutrients the plant needs to grow strong and healthy.
  4. Remove the tape: It’s best to wait about a week before removing any tape you’ve applied. It’s normal for stem tissues to be slightly discolored, especially around healing sites. If any of these areas appear wounded and gray, replace the tape and wait for a protective knuckle to appear. If the stems are reinforced with tape, normal processes such as nutrient and water transportation will go on as normal. If any branches have straightened themselves, simply use LST techniques to get them to grow in the right direction.

Tips & Tricks for Super Cropping

This method works best with the usage of a few easy tips. Start by softening the exterior fibers, which will make branches more pliable and easier to bend. When pinching branches in between the thumb and forefinger, apply pressure without crushing the stem. Green stems are easy to bend, while woody old branches need more encouragement. Don’t overdo it, or the branch will not survive. Apply only the level of pressure needed to weaken the appropriate spot.

Many growers find super cropping success with garden ties. These useful tools help keep branches in the desired position. Tie branches on the side closest to the trunk, and with time, your skills will grow enough so that less tying is required.

Though it’s important to remember that excess pressure will break branches, it’s equally vital not to panic if that happens. Marijuana plants are resilient, and they recover quickly. Just put broken stems back together with wide tape or a splint before the leaves start to droop.

To minimize risk, first-time cannabis growers often experiment with one plant. In most cases, gains are noticeable, and results are quite promising. When super cropping is done well, it involves breakage of the bud-laden branches below the clustered flowers.

It’s crucial to expose one side of the flower cluster to the grow light so the calyxes get the light energy they need during the flowering stage. When there’s plenty of light, you’ll get more resin and more potent buds.

Super cropping should be done as soon as the plants are gendered. By doing it early on, you’ll give the new structures a chance to grow upward toward the light. Ensure that buds are horizontally trained.

The buds will attempt to regain their original positions as soon as they’re treated. When super cropping, it’s best not to be too gentle, as a bit of force is needed to induce the right level of stress to the plants.

Different cannabis strains have varying tolerances and structural strengths. Some strains have woody, brittle stems, while others are much more pliable. Growers should consider strain selection when using super cropping techniques.

Unlike topping or leaf plucking, super cropping does not dramatically alter the plants’ growth speed or pattern. The plants should have plenty of time to recover after being stressed. When HST techniques are used properly, the benefits may exceed your expectations.

When Should Super Cropping Be Stopped?

This question is a common one, and the answer may depend on strain selection and other factors. Some strains are tougher than others and can stay in limbo for an extended period. However, these guidelines are applicable in most cases.

  • Stop halfway through the flowering stage. By stopping at that time, you’ll ensure that the plant has enough time left to grow buds. If super cropping is continued, the cut-away portions won’t grow back, and the yield will be affected.
  • During a 12/12 light/dark cycle, it’s best not to engage in HST. Plants near full maturity do best on equal periods of light and darkness, as it increases bud size and cannabinoid
  • If the plant exhibits signs of illness, it’s best to stop immediately. Going further may kill a fragile plant, and if you’re seeing brown or yellow leaves, shift the focus to recovery, care, and nutrition.
  • Some growers feel that excessive manipulation may cause irreversible damage, and they stop super cropping right after trimming the plants for the first time. This gives fragile plants plenty of time to heal, and it decreases the risk associated with high-stress training. However, ties and splints should be left in place until the plant has grown in the desired direction.

In Conclusion

When the right super cropping techniques are used, it’s easier to achieve goals as a grower. This practice greatly increases the quality and quantity of cannabis yields, and the product can be enjoyed by medical and recreational users. Whether you’re growing weed for commercial, medicinal, or personal use, super cropping is a great way to increase the chances of success. No matter your experience level with growing cannabis, get started with seeds from!


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