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How much weed does a plant produce

How Much Does a Weed Plant Produce?

Cannabis growers typically find themselves boasting about their latest colossal harvest, and for experienced growers, this may be true. For many beginners, getting a pound or more of marijuana yield per plant may be challenging.

Even though healthy cannabis plants tend to produce more marijuana, to get this kind of cannabis yield, the grower needs to control several variables. 

There are no set rules for getting the most out of each harvest, making it near impossible to determine exactly how much weed you can get from one plant.

Growers need to have a thorough understanding of the things that determine marijuana yield. Let’s take a closer look at how much weed from one plant you can expect and the various factors that may affect the outcome.

How Much Weed Does a Plant Produce When Grown Indoors?

Growing conditions play a significant role in determining how much weed you can get from one plant. Whether you’re growing weed indoors or in a greenhouse, there are typically limits to the height and diameter allowance of your greenery, which may affect your marijuana yield per plant. 

How Much Does a Weed Plant Produce

Indoor growers have increased control over their plant’s environment, and grow lights play a critical role in this process. 

Under perfect conditions, experienced growers can expect to harvest as much as 1 gram (0.035 oz) of weed per watt of light per plant. For instance, with a 500-watt HPS grow light, you can potentially yield 500 grams (17.5 oz) of usable, dried marijuana per plant.

It’s critical to simulate the growth’s perfect outdoor environment while simultaneously minimizing its challenges and risks to create a thriving indoor garden.

In a controlled environment, it’s essential to provide enough room for each plant to grow with minimal humidity, temperature, and flight disruptions.

Successful indoor growth is a complex and costly process that involves constant care and meticulous planning. Do it correctly, and you’ll get rewarded with beautiful, high-yielding marijuana plants.

How Much Weed Does a Plant Produce When Grown Outdoors?

Outdoor cannabis growing tips are widely available on the net and usually exceptionally helpful to increase your marijuana yields. That said, it becomes significantly more challenging to control the environment in which your plants grow if you’re raising them outside. 

Under ideal conditions, you can expect your marijuana plant yields to be in the region of 500 grams (17.5 oz) per plant.

For outdoor growth, it’s best to germinate the seeds early and indoors where you can fully control the temperature and humidity. It also helps to allow the plants enough time to grow reasonably large before moving them outside. 

When growing outdoors, it’s crucial to give each plant enough space to develop(at least one to one-and-a-half meters between them ) to maximize marijuana plant yield. If you prefer to use containers, they should be not less than 50 liters (15 gallons) in size. 

It’s also critical to ensure that your garden gets enough water and has ample nutrients to sustain proper growth.

How Much Does a Weed Plant Produce

Factors That Impact Marijuana Plant Yields

Many variables may affect your cannabis plant yield, and it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of these factors to maximize your harvest.

Size of Grow Space

Grow space size varies significantly between indoor and outdoor crops and your choice of cannabis strain. 

For indoor growth, you’ll require between one and three square feet per plant, depending on the size of the pots, ventilation, and your lighting setup. Your plants will need six inches to a foot of space between them to experience maximum growth. 

You’ll be looking at anything from a one to a five-gallon-sized pot, depending on the cannabis strain you intend to grow. 

For outdoor growth, it’s essential to keep a distance of at least one to one-and-a-half meters between plants, although more is better. 

If you prefer to originate your weed in containers, you’ll require a 15-gallon or larger pot to ensure there’s enough space for the roots to develop properly.

Cannabis Strain

The plant’s genetics greatly determines the cannabis yield of your growth due to some strains getting cultivated to maximize bud production. For instance:

  • While Indica strains are less potent than different types of weed, they produce more buds
  • Sativa strains are considerably taller and produce fewer buds than other marijuana types but contain higher levels of THC

It’s also essential to keep in mind:

  • As opposed to using clones, growing your plants from seed will usually result in a higher marijuana yield.
  • Autoflower strains get cultivated to flower after a set number of weeks, resulting in smaller overall marijuana yields. It’s significantly easier to work these plants into a rotating schedule, though, increasing the total amount of cannabis harvested annually.

Light Type and Amount

When you’re growing marijuana indoors, perfecting the lighting is the most crucial factor. 

Marijuana strains generally need fixed daily hours of light through every stage of the growth process. 

Without this set schedule, most plants will initiate the flowering stage prematurely, minimizing your harvest. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific type’s requirements before working out the illumination timetable.

The amount of light is also critical. Growers can expect to produce an average of one gram of dried weed per watt. If you’ve got an insufficient amount of bulbs, you could minimize your yield per plant. 

It’s vital to ensure that you’ve got enough light-bulbs to sustain your entire garden effectively.

How Much Does a Weed Plant Produce

Training Techniques

Regardless of your garden’s size or location, training your marijuana crop will significantly increase your growth’s quality and quantity by altering the plants’ chemical balances. There are various techniques available, split up into two categories:

  • Low-stress training (LST): Doesn’t involve inflicting damage directly to the plant
  • High-stress training (HST): Involves removing or breaking parts or sections of the plant

The most widely used LST techniques are:

  • Low-stress training (LST)
  • Screen of Green (SCROG)

Noteworthy HST techniques include:

  • Topping
  • F**k I missed (FIM)
  • Stem mutilation

Grow Medium

“How much weed does a plant produce?” Before you can answer this question, you should consider the best type of medium to grow your marijuana.

The chosen medium can have a considerable effect on the final results. Although there are numerous growth options available, each impacts the overall cannabis yield per plant differently due to a variance in the source’s actual growing conditions. 

While soil is the most commonly used medium to grow cannabis, it’s essential to use the correct type of dirt. For instance, loam allows for effortless root penetration and will produce a more fruitful harvest than clay or turf.

On the other hand, using hydroponics with media such as coco coir or perlite can potentially result in a 20% higher yield compared to growing your plants in soil indoors. This type of medium grants you significantly more control over their nutrient intake.

High Yield Strains

Selecting strains with a high yield potential will significantly impact the quantity and quality of your harvest. To get you started, here are some extreme yielders available through i49.

Critical Mass Feminized

As an indica-dominant hybrid, feminized Critical Mass seeds contain the illustrious Skunk #1 and Afghani strains’ superior genetics. 

Users will benefit from the calming effect of this profoundly relaxing cultivar, leaving them feeling happy while soothing away bodily discomforts. In turn, these effects can alleviate the symptoms of a broad range of health conditions.

Blue Dream Feminized

Blue Dream Fem

As a hybrid, feminized Blue Dream seeds come from two legendary strains: the indica Blueberry and the Sativa Haze. The lingering sweet and delicious flavor of this weed makes it a delightful dose of metaphorical and literal medicine. 

Typically dominant on the Sativa side, users will find themselves on an energized high that sinks into an alert but toned-downed, mellow trip, making it the ideal choice for day-time smokers.

Gorilla Glue #4 Feminized

As its name would suggest, Gorilla Glue #4 packs a heavy punch. This balanced hybrid contains monumentally high THC levels. When smoked, CG4 will hit you with a waft of a deep pine fragrance and leave you with a lingering sweet berry scent. 

Highly-prized for its capacity to relieve pain and stress and induce sleep, users will find themselves on a cerebral high, leaving them completely relaxed and gorilla-glued to the davenport.

Ways to Boost Yields Per Plant

Managing how much weed one marijuana plant yields is merely a matter of using the correct strains and providing them with an excellent growing environment. Assuming you tend to avoid making major mistakes, you can easily reap the same rewards an experienced grower will get, even on your first attempt.

Here are some essential growing tips to help you maximize your yield.

Grow in Hydroponics

Growing weed hydroponically gives you considerably more control over your plants. While this method typically produces a higher yield on average, it’s significantly more challenging to manage than raising traditional soil-grown cannabis. 

Using the right genetics, experienced producers can effectively harvest up to 1.2 grams of weed per watt of light.

Use the SCROG Method

The SCROG technique is a unique growth method through which you can increase your yield. It involves topping your plants and covering them with a screen roughly 15 inches above your greenery. 

When a branch reaches a height of 4 inches above the filter, you need to tie it to the screen. Continue this process until you end up with a blanket of tops. 

By using this technique, you’ll not only avoid wasting light but also ensure all of your plants grow to be the same height and that they won’t produce any soft or fluffy buds.

Choose the Best Lights

Marijuana plants require plenty of lighting, and choosing the best bulbs is critical to maximizing your yield. For instance, a decent LED growth light will provide you with a significantly higher wattage output than a weaker lamp. 

It’s crucial to ensure that you provide nothing less than 100 umol/㎡/s to the corners of your grow room, with a much higher intensity in the middle. To figure out exactly how much light you’ll require, you need to consider the growth area’s size and the number of plants you’re planning on raising.

How to Calculate Marijuana Plant Yields up Front

Determining how much weed you’ll yield per plant is challenging due to the number of variables involved. It’s not an exact science, and there are some methods you can use to at least get a ballpark figure.

Using Pot Size to Estimate Yield

The growth of marijuana plants gets severely limited by their pot capacity. Although size isn’t a perfect yield indicator, it can give a rough idea of what to expect. 

Assuming that you’re growing in 18-liter pots, using high-yielding seeds, some light training, and proper nutrients, your plants should reach a height of at least 90 cm.

With solid lighting and four to five weeks of vegetative growth, these crops should produce at least 100 grams of dried weed per plant.

Using Lighting to Estimate Yield

Using lamp strength to estimate your yield isn’t an exact science; it’s considerably more accurate than calculating your potential harvest based on the number of plants you’ve got. 

Experienced growers raising their plants indoors can expect a yield of roughly one gram of dried weed per watt of light. 

First-time growers can expect to harvest about 0.5 grams per watt.

Boost Marijuana Yield Per Plant and Save Money

Growing your own cannabis can save you a significant sum of money, especially if you do it cheaply and efficiently. Here are some tips to help you boost your marijuana yield while cutting down on costs.

  • Invest in low-cost, high-quality seeds
  • Save money by cloning your plants 
  • Don’t throw away the trim; use it to make salves and ointments
  • Repurpose every-day waste, making it useful in your greenhouse. For example, turn food cut-offs and left-overs into compost
  • If you’re in a non-friendly cannabis environment, use autoflowering seeds to grow your weed
  • Invest in decent soil modified for cannabis growth
  • Save money and time by planting your marijuana in a bale of hay
  • Keep to the essentials and don’t invest in unnecessary equipment
  • Consider growing your cannabis in soil
  • Avoid going overboard on supplements and nutrients
  • Use training techniques to maximize your yield

To Wrap Up

With so many factors affecting the outcome of your growth, it’s exceptionally challenging to predict how much weed you will get from one plant. 

On the positive side, there are various proven methods growers can implement to boost their cannabis yield, saving them a significant amount of money at the end of the day. 

Check out i49 and start your garden with some high-quality, heavy-yielding marijuana seeds.

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