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Can You Revive a Dying Weed Plant?

Does it look like your weed plant is dying?

You may think there’s no way to revive it and that you’ve reached the end of your marijuana cultivation experience. The good news is you can save your crops by identifying the causes and symptoms and applying a suitable fix.

Nurturing and protecting your marijuana plant from germination until harvest is vital. Caring for cannabis entails regular watering and feeding. It also involves providing sufficient light and ventilation, but what do you do when you realize your weed plant is dying? 

Continue reading to find out.

Cannabis plant resuscitation: We have the solution

Like most vegetation, if well cared for, marijuana shouldn’t give you any problems. However, there are times when things might not go according to plan.

Not knowing what to do when you discover dead weed plants can cause distress, especially if you’re unsure about the cause. The underlying reason can be anything from cannabis pests and bugs to insufficient light or nutrients.

You don’t need an experienced green thumb to rescue your favorite herb. Following the steps listed below is all that’s required.

Step 1: Analyze the symptoms of your sick cannabis plant

A few things determine whether you have a dying cannabis plant. These signs will give you some indication of why your crops are in this state.

Let’s look at some of the red flags:

Leaf problems

Discoloration of marijuana leaves is a symptom that your plant isn’t doing well. You may find the foliage turning yellow or brown, which could signify that there are cannabis nutrient deficiencies.

If this is the case, a pH test is needed to confirm the shortage. Remedy a lack of nutrition by flushing out nutrients or ceasing to feed your marijuana crops for a while. Should you cut the dead leaves off your weed plant? The answer is yes.

Removing the dying, damaged, or diseased leaves is safe and discourages pests such as aphids or leaf miners.

dying weed plant

Flowering stretch

Flowering stretch is quite common among all plants. It occurs when there’s insufficient light during the transition from vegging to flowering. The stem bends and stretches towards any form of brightness it can find.

You may discover a change in the crop’s configuration during this period. It could even look like your marijuana plant is dying. Creating a support structure for your shrub can save it. 

Stunted growth

There are various reasons cannabis growth slows down, making it seem like the weed plant is dying. The good news is that it’s usually treatable.

The following factors may prevent your plant from thriving:

  • Affected roots: Certain elements may cause the roots to deteriorate. Over or underwatering could affect the radicles of your marijuana plant. 

Rootbound is a condition that results from the container being too small for the crops, causing the roots to become tangled. The disfiguration of the radicles can contribute to an unhealthy weed plant.

  • Too much attention: Constantly touching and working with your cannabis can contribute to it not reaching its full potential. Regular pruning can enhance growth, but remember that an untopped weed plant usually only produces one cola.
  • Calcium deficiency: Insufficient calcium can slow down the growth of your marijuana. If not rectified, it can leave you with a dying weed plant. A Cal-Mag supplement is one way to save your crop if administered per the instructions.
  • Transplanting: Roughly moving your crop from one pot to another during its early stages of growth can hamper the cultivation process. Creating a stress-free environment allows your plant to flourish.

Underdeveloped buds

You may discover underdeveloped or popcorn buds on your crops. Their miniature size could result from insufficient light, an overcrowded grow area, or an incorrect watering and feeding schedule.

These scrawny nugs could also be attributed to pests that create plant stress, affecting the buds’ development.

Step 2: Analyze the cannabis watering schedule

Now that you know more about the symptoms, it’s time to figure out the potential causes. Watering is integral to cannabis cultivation, and finding the right balance is essential.

How to rescue an overwatered plant

Watering weed plants too often can suffocate the roots and make them susceptible to certain bacteria and viruses.

Can you bring back marijuana from dying after giving it too much H2O? Yes, you typically can. Try the following steps:

  • Stop watering immediately.
  • Adjust your plants’ drainage system to avoid the accumulation of H2O at the bottom of the container.
  • Increase the temperature to encourage evaporation and allow the medium to dry out.
  • Commence watering after two to three days, but do it less often than usual. Only hydrate your plants when the upper layer of soil, about an inch deep, is dry.
  • Ensure the soil remains moist without becoming waterlogged.

How to revive an underwatered plant

Another reason you may have a dead marijuana plant is insufficient H2O. Reviving the weed’s lifeless appearance is possible with these few methods:

  • Don’t wait until your plants show signs of wilting before adding H2O. If you do see drooping foliage, water your crops immediately.
  • Water your crops until there’s a runoff. Once the soil is saturated, the excess liquid drains at the bottom.
  • Ensure you have the correct growing medium that can retain the water.
  • Adjust the volume of the container you’re using, depending on the size of your crop. If the pot is too big, it reduces the chances of your plant absorbing water.
How to revive an underwatered plant

Step 3: Analyze the cannabis feeding schedule

There are instances where you may have a sick marijuana plant due to certain nutrient deficiencies. By assessing its feeding schedule, you could find a way to revive it.

Various nutrient requirements come into play from when you germinate cannabis seeds until you harvest the matured crops. These supplements include nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.

An excess of these minerals can lead to nute burn, while too little may result in a cannabis nutrient deficiency.

What to do with overfertilization

Overfertilization occurs when you feed your cannabis too much fertilizer, hoping it results in robust plants with big buds.

Yellowing leaves and tips that curl, dry, or twist are the first signs of overfeeding. It may even seem as if you have dead weed plants. These symptoms could also indicate nutrient burn.

The plant’s growth phase determines your cause of action. It’s easier to remedy the situation if the crop is in its vegetative stage. It’s a bit harder during the flowering stage as the buds can rot and die, ruining your crop.

If you want to know how to revive a weed plant after overfertilization, try the following techniques:

  • Flush your plant: Water your crop until the H2O runs off at the bottom. Implement this process a maximum of two times, half an hour apart and twice a day. Measure the PPM with a TDS meter to determine if you’ve washed away the extra nutrients. Only flush your crops if you have no other alternatives, as it can stress them.
  • Trim tarnished leaves: Removing yellow, dry, and curly foliage prevents the plant from developing root rot and mold.
  • Assess the nutrient dosage: Before using fertilizer or a nutrient solution, consult the packaging instructions to determine what quantities you should give.
  • Use root stimulators: Overfeeding and nutrient burn can damage the roots of your cannabis crops. If you want to know how to save a dying weed plant with this condition, try using root stimulators.

Finding a balance between when and how much to feed your cannabis crops can assist with proper nutrition. Monitoring your plants’ diet is one way of learning how to get big buds.

Step 4: Analyze the growing medium

The incorrect substrate can contribute to slow growth and an unhealthy weed plant. It could even be why your cannabis seedling fell over. Investigate the pros and cons of the growing medium to determine if it’s the best option for your marijuana crops.

Select one of the following substrates to raise a healthy weed crop:

  • Soil: This medium has many advantages, including being one of the most natural sources. It’s easy to work with and has a low cost.

Many cultivators believe you can grow a premium quality crop if your soil is fertilized and filled with the necessary nutrients. Keep the pH levels around 6.0–6.8.

  • Coco coir: Coir is a fiber derived from coconut husks and serves as an organic medium. It’s not as dense as soil and gives your plants’ roots more room to grow. Coco coir dries out fast, requiring you to water it more often.

Growing strong plants with big buds is possible with this medium. Ensure you maintain the correct pH levels of 5.7–6.5 and provide the necessary nutrients.

  • Hydroponics: There are various hydroponic setups, but they all generally involve plants growing in an inert medium suspended over water.

You’re responsible for the nutrition of your crop and maintaining suitable pH levels. Keep the range around 5.5–6.5. Managed correctly, the chances of dead weed plants are lower in hydro.

Changing your growing medium is an effective way of reviving a sick or dying plant.

Step 5: Analyze the environment

Whether indoors or outdoors, your weed plants’ environment and growing conditions are vital to their success. It’s essential to regulate the temperature and ensure the humidity levels are conducive.

Let’s look at these factors and see if they’re the answer to why your weed plant is dying.


Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. It’s relatively difficult to control the humidity for growing weed outdoors.

Monitoring the conditions indoors is much easier. Specific relative humidity (RH) levels allow your plant to enjoy a stress-free environment. Control this element by using fans or dehumidifiers.

Maintain the following RH levels during the various growing stages:

  • Seedling: 65–70%
  • Vegetative: 40–70%
  • Flowering: 40–50%

Learn how to save a dying weed plant by adjusting the humidity levels. Using a thermometer and hygrometer to measure the moisture in the air can help you ensure the ideal environment for your crop.

humidity for growing weed


Just as you should regulate the RH levels, the temperature at which your marijuana crops grow is also essential. The leaves of your plant curl or twist when the conditions are too hot or cold.

Monitor the indoor temperature during each phase as follows:

  • Seedling: 68–77°F
  • Vegetative: 72–82°F
  • Flowering: 68–79°F

Heat stress on cannabis plants is common in hot and dry conditions. The symptoms of this disorder also include curling leaves. The pressure of high temperatures is detrimental to the buds during the flowering stage, as no new leaves form during this phase.

Heat damage during blooming can impact your yields. Apart from ruined leaves, the buds won’t be as dense as those from a healthy crop.

Revive your dead cannabis plant by installing an aircon or a fan to help reduce the heat. Moving it outdoors to receive fresh air and a cool breeze can also assist with its recovery.

Step 6: Analyze the lights

When it comes to indoor cultivation, lighting is as vital as the sun is to outdoor crops.

Choosing the correct luminance is crucial to successful growth. LED lamps are an ideal choice for raising marijuana plants indoors.

Be very careful, though. If the brightness is too intense, it can result in leaf burn. Ensure that the beams are at an appropriate distance; between 12 and 22 inches is advisable. The number of cannabis grow lights to use depends on how many plants you cultivate.

Step 7: Inspect your plants for pests

Marijuana pests and bugs such as spider mites and fungus gnats can be why you have a sick cannabis plant. When inspecting it for symptoms, check every part of your crop, including the underside of the leaves.

A bug infestation could occur if the foliage turns yellow, wilts, or develops tiny holes. The solutions to this problem include neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and pruning of the affected areas.

Step 8: Give your plants nutrients (if needed)

Providing much-needed nutrients can rejuvenate your dead cannabis plants. Unless your crops are overfertilized, certain enzymes and proteins can enrich the soil and assist them with recovery.

Supplements such as molasses, mycorrhizal fungi, and rhizobacteria encourage plant health. They can also result in larger yields.

From death to life

Discovering that your weed plant is sick and potentially dying can be concerning. The good news is that most of the time, you can revive your crop and bring it back to life.

It’s all about analysis. Check for symptoms, and ensure your watering and feeding schedules are correct. Analyze the growing medium, environment, and lights, and be sure they match the needs of your crop. Finally, inspect your plants for pests and add extra nutrients (if needed).

By now, you should know all about how to save a dying clone or seed-grown marijuana plant. Visit our store for quality weed seeds and more advice on growing healthy cannabis plants.


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