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Growing Weed for Beginners

Growing Weed for Beginners: 10 mistakes to avoid in your first time

Growing weed for beginners doesn’t have to be stressful. There’s nothing more satisfying than smoking weed that you’ve cultivated yourself. Now that it’s legal to grow marijuana in more U.S. states, you’re not alone if it’s your first time growing weed. Everyone’s getting in on the action.

However, before you start, make sure you do your homework as there are challenges when growing weed. 

Of course, you can learn from your mistakes as you grow, but it’ll only mean that you might have to wait longer to smoke your buds. However, there’s a faster way.

You can learn about growing weed for beginners from experienced cultivators and avoid the typical mistakes newbies make.

We’ve compiled a list of things you should be aware of and prepare for right from the start. Get them done right, and you’ll find cultivating weed a very satisfying adventure.


What can go wrong when growing weed for the first time?

Generally, marijuana plants are resilient and can adapt to the environment. However, as you learn to grow weed, you’ll realize that many things can go wrong and affect your plant’s growth, such as:

  • Climate changes
  • Pest infestation
  • Mold and mildew
  • Disease

While you’re not responsible for those factors, here are beginner mistakes that you should know about and avoid when you grow weed at home:

  • Lack of preparation
  • Planting the wrong seeds
  • Watering too little or too much
  • Improper lighting
  • Using the wrong fertilizer and soil
  • Feeding too many nutrients
  • Wrong soil pH level

We’ll go through them in more detail so you’ll know their effects and how to rectify them. You’ll also learn other tips for growing weed.

10 mistakes to avoid when growing weed for the first time

An excellent way to learn how to start growing marijuana is to identify the typical mistakes beginners make so you can avoid them. We’ll also show you how to solve the problems if they arise.

There are many newbie oversights, but these are the more essential ones to know.

Letting others know you’re growing marijuana 

Even if it’s legal to cultivate cannabis where you live, you’ll have to keep your excitement to yourself and learn how to grow marijuana discreetly. There’s no telling what nosy neighbors will do.

Growing Weed for Beginners

Some state laws require that passersby don’t see your plants. It’s also for your protection. You don’t want thieves to get them before you harvest the gorgeous nugs.

There are also marijuana companies that don’t want people to grow weed at home so they can monopolize the cannabis supply. It’s happening in many states that allow residents to use weed but can’t grow it.

It’s best not to give anyone a reason to complain and have new laws prohibiting growing cannabis.

Some of the best ways to grow weed without causing an issue include:

  • Avoid placing your pots where they are in full view of your neighbors and passersby. 
  • Cultivating marijuana indoors if your backyard is visible to adjacent houses.
  • Find ways to keep the odor from overwhelming the neighborhood.

Not planning and preparing

If you want to learn how to successfully grow marijuana, don’t skip this essential step. Without planning, many things can catch you unaware and cause problems.

It’s perfectly normal to want to run out and get seeds, equipment, and other supplies you think you need. However, you could end up with the wrong seeds and expensive items if you don’t find the best way to grow pot.

It may have been tricky to get info on growing cannabis in the past because it was illegal, and users had to be very cautious about revealing their involvement in weed. 

With the internet as efficient as it is today, it’s easy to do your homework and learn the fundamentals before starting growing weed.

Buying the wrong seeds

Of the many pot growing tips, if you want healthy plants and an abundant yield, you’ll need to use high-quality seeds

Growing Weed for Beginners

You may be tempted to cultivate a bagseed. After all, they’re from the buds you smoked, so you’d expect the same quality of nugs. However, it’s a bad idea because those seeds may be males, runts, duds, or hermaphrodites. 

Whenever we give tips on growing weed for beginners, we always recommend you get your seeds from a reputable vendor.

Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time and money on a cultivar with poor genetics and not getting the quality you deserve.

Not paying attention to the lighting

Not knowing the importance of lighting in the growing process is a common mistake made by cultivators who are first time growing weed.

All plants need sufficient light to grow. If you want big buds, you’ve got to give your marijuana plants intense light during the flowering stage. 

You may think that to grow weed at home, you’ll need huge and expensive bulbs. But, on the contrary, you can get smaller and mid-sized LEDs that do the job without incurring substantial costs.

Using the wrong soil or fertilizer

As you learn to grow weed, you’ll understand the vital role that soil and fertilizer play in the growing process.

Your marijuana plant needs soil with the correct pH, so before you use what’s available, be sure to test it first. You can use any pH test device for this purpose.

One of the best ways to grow weed is to get your soil pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. 

When it comes to fertilizer, make sure you use those made specifically for weed growing. Cannabis plants require a specific nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) ratio during the flowering stage, so you can’t use the same fertilizer all the time.

So, when you’re starting growing weed and you don’t use the suitable soil pH and fertilizer, you’ll hamper your plant’s growth.

Too little or too much water

If it’s your first time growing weed, it’s normal to think you need to water cannabis plants every day. However, too much water can harm or kill your plant.

When you overwater, your plant roots don’t get sufficient oxygen. One of the signs you’ll notice is a droopy plant. However, when you water it properly, it’ll regain its health most of the time.

One of the tips for growing weed when watering is to check how the soil feels. If the pot feels light and the soil is dry, it’s time to water it.

With time and practice, you’ll soon learn exactly what a dry pot feels like.

Not properly maintaining the pH level

When cultivating in soil, you have to get its pH right. If not, your plant won’t absorb the nutrients to thrive and produce good yields. The signs you mustn’t ignore are droopy leaves, stunted growth, and smaller-sized buds.

As you learn how to grow marijuana, you’ll know that the optimum cannabis pH level in your soil should be within 6.0–7.0 for your plant to absorb nutrients efficiently. If you’re using hydroponics, it’s 5.5–6.5.

Once you balance the soil pH, you’ll have gorgeous plants, and ultimately, a bountiful harvest.

Using too many nutrients

The best part of growing weed for beginners is making mistakes and learning from them. For instance, one common newbie mistake is overfeeding nutrients to your plant because most nutrient companies suggest way too high nutrient dosages that’ll lead to “nute burn”.

Growing Weed for Beginners

One of the best ways to grow weed and prevent overfeeding nutrients is to stick to the feeding schedule but start with only 50% of the suggested amount. You can gradually increase the dosage if your plant begins to look pale, until it regains its healthy appearance.

Pruning way too much

Mistakes to avoid when pruning cannabis is an essential lesson in learning how to grow weed for beginners. Here are some of the typical ones first-time growers make:

  • Pruning during the flowering stage. You should only do it in the first two weeks of the vegetative growth phase.
  • Stripping away too many of the fan leaves. You should only remove 1/3 of the fan leaves in each session. 
  • Excessive pruning. Ideally, you should only prune your plant twice during its growth span.

Harvesting your marijuana too early or too late

When it’s your first time growing weed, you probably can’t wait to get at those delicious buds hanging from your plant. However, you’ll need to be patient and wait for the right time to harvest cannabis.

If you harvest prematurely, you’ll end up with lighter buds that have not attained their full potency. That’ll defeat the purpose of growing your own weed.

FAQ related to growing weed for beginners

Here are some commonly asked questions about growing weed for beginners. If you have more queries, please contact us.

How to start growing weed for beginners

Here’s a recap of the tips on how to start growing marijuana for beginners:

  • Plan – do your homework.
  • Get high-quality seeds – you’ll get healthier plants.
  • Test your soil pH – ideally, it should be between 6.0–7.0.
  • Don’t overwater – only water when necessary.
  • Feed your plant the right amount of nutrients.
  • Give your plant the optimum amount of light.
  • Harvest only when the time is right.

What supplies do you need for the first time growing weed?

No guide on how to grow weed for beginners would be complete without a list of the essential marijuana growing supplies you’ll need. 

Remember, you don’t have to break the bank to get these items. Here are some of your requirements:

  • Quality seeds
  • Grow lights
  • Grow medium
  • Nutrients
  • Pots
  • Thermometer
  • pH testing tool

How to grow weed at home

Learning how to successfully grow marijuana takes time and effort, but the knowledge will remain with you forever. 

If you remember and avoid the pitfalls we’ve covered, you’ll be on your way to spending many satisfying moments, toking your own buds. Check out our range of seeds and start growing now! 

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