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Fusarium and Marijuana Plants

Important Information About Fusarium and Marijuana Plants

Marijuana plants are susceptible to an array of diseases. One of these, which targets the roots and leaves of the plant, is called Fusarium. Fusarium is a fungus that attacks the plant in several ways. It remains dormant in warm and tropical soil and may wait for several years for the ideal conditions to occur to affect a crop. This means it could be anywhere in a garden, even if there have never been issues before. Even worse, it often spreads by running water and by failing to sterilize garden tools after using them in the infected soil.

Soil growers likely know what a huge threat Fusarium poses to their marijuana crop. When the fungus is activated, it can cause root rot or wilt. The symptoms the fungi causes will depend on the strain of weed planted. Once the infestation begins, it’s extremely challenging to treat the plants affected. For most growers, trying to get this issue under control is very challenging, which is why starting over is recommended by most experts in the field.

Since this fungus only lives in soil, a good way to avoid it is by growing cannabis plants hydroponically. However, for some growers, this isn’t a viable option. For soil growers, there are some steps to take to help ensure the fungus doesn’t affect the crop.

Keep reading to learn the skills necessary to prevent a small Fusarium outbreak from devastating your entire crop of white widows seed or wedding cake feminized seeds. Remember, part of keeping a crop healthy is knowing the early symptoms and signs of this disease and knowing when to take action and when to start over.

Put simply, the best way to ensure a crop remains Fusarium free is to work to ensure the environment is not welcoming to it. Learn more about how to do that here.

Tips for Removing Fusarium from a Cannabis Garden

While there’s an array of diseases and issues that may arise with a marijuana crop, Fusarium is one of the most challenging to overcome. However, once a grower learns the basics, they can take steps to stop it. Some effective ways to deal with this unwelcome fungus are:

Prevent it from Developing

As mentioned above, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to save the cannabis plants once Fusarium has developed. While there are steps to take to minimize the damage, it usually makes more sense to get rid of the affected plant and start over. What this means is that a top priority for dealing with Fusarium is to prevent it. Preventing the fungus from developing is challenging, but with diligence and awareness, it is possible.

Use High-Quality Seeds

The best way for growers to beat issues related to diseases and pests is by purchasing and planting the highest-quality high yield seeds available that they can afford. Quality seeds will usually have strong genetics, which makes it more resilient against the fungi moving in from the roots and affecting the remainder of the plant. This means buying quality seeds from a reputable source is a must.

Invest in Quality Soil

Remember, Fusarium’s home is soil. This is where it grows and thrives. Protect cannabis plants by starting with a medium that is Fusarium free. One option is a natural fungicide made from horsetail and nettle. It’s also possible to use compost or compost tea, which increases the good bacteria and removes harmful fungi.

For growers who are trying to nourish the soil, consider adding bacterial food, such as molasses, to help support the good bacteria present in it. If clay soil is an option, use this to help increase the pH of the medium, which reduces the fungi present.

Using loamy soils may also be helpful since this usually houses microbes that help fight Fusarium fungi. Make sure to plant other healthy plants with the cannabis crop to improve the soil’s quality and control the problem.

To eliminate the possibility of this problem, consider containers. These can be used instead of planting cannabis in the ground. By doing this, if the fungus happens to be in the soil, the number of plants affected are limited. This also limits the spread of the disease.

Grow the Plants Inside

Like any fungi, Fusarium grows in warm and moist conditions. A grower has a better chance of preventing this growth if they can adjust the temperature and humidity in the grow area manually. The most effective way to do this is by growing the plants inside, where it is possible to modify and monitor several environmental variables.

With this setup, growers can pay attention to humidity levels using a hygrometer. If readings get too high, which may happen, dehumidifiers can be used to restore the proper levels. As time passes, plants will require less moisture, which means constant monitoring of the grow room is needed for the growers who choose this path.

Sterilize All Garden Tools

Many diseases spread from one location to another via the garden tools used for pruning, planting, and maintaining the plants. For this reason, it’s essential to sterilize and clean the equipment along with the water hose and gardening gloves used. When trying to stop Fusarium, it’s necessary to cover all possible causes. So when you finish pruning your Bruce banner feminized plants, take the extra few seconds to wipe down your clippers with some disinfectant or rubbing alcohol before going into your neighboring greenhouse full of blooming blue dream weed.

Avoid Over-Watering the Plants

Along with reducing the oxygen supply for the plant’s roots, if a grower over waters their plants, this promotes fungi growth. Now is the time to learn the proper way to water the plants to avoid these issues.

Watch for Signs of an Infection

Continually monitor the status of the cannabis plants to make sure there are no signs of a problem. This is a huge part of caring for the plants and ensuring they remain healthy. There’s no way to know the plants have Fusarium unless the grower inspects them often.

Now the question most growers have is, “what will it look like when a plant is infected?” As mentioned above, there are two common symptoms of this fungus, which include root rot and wilting.

Symptoms on the Leaves

When Fusarium is present, the leaves of the affected plant will wilt quickly. Rather than the vibrant green color growers are accustomed to, the leaves turn brown and yellow. Some strains like granddaddy purple autoflower will display colourful purple leaves, which is great, but you never want to see the leaves turning a shade of brown or yellow. Another unmistakable sign that Fusarium is the problem is if the leaves begin to curl upward while the leaves look like they may drop off the plant, but don’t. This is why the disease is also known as Fusarium wilt.

Symptoms on the Roots

It’s harder to see the first signs of root rot caused by Fusarium; however, if the roots are red, it’s a sign this problem is present. While a weed seed grower won’t be able to see this, other signs should be watched for. Once the fungus sets in, it blocks the nutrients and water from reaching the plant. As the symptoms get worse, the plant will appear sick and eventually die.

Eliminating the Infection

While it may be pointless to treat plants that are affected, it is possible to save the healthy ones if a grower moves fast enough. Usually, it will be safer and easier just to start over.

Act Fast

Remove the affected plants immediately as soon as the first symptom is seen. Failure to do this will cause the plant to decompose. If this happens, the dead plant will serve as a breeding ground for the fungi to continue to grow and spread. From there, it will probably affect any plants nearby.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

After disposing of the plant affected, put hydrogen peroxide in the soil. It acts as a disinfectant and will add oxygen to the plant’s soil, improving the quality. The proper way to use this involves adding 20 cc of hydrogen peroxide for each liter of water. This will help a grower achieve the desired results.

Start New

As mentioned above, it’s challenging to save the plants after Fusarium strikes. While there are some things a grower can do to minimize the damage, it makes much more sense just to get rid of the affected plants and start over. This will ensure the affected buds aren’t smoked, as this can be harmful to a person’s health. Yes, it will take time to start new i49 seeds germinating, but your health is irreplaceable and smoking mold can be extremely harmful.

When a grower plants again, they should choose a location that is far away from the infected site. If indoor planting is used, the same effect can be achieved by cleaning the grow space well and using a different soil.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to beating Fusarium in a otherwise easy to grow marijuana seeds, prevention is key. Since this is the case, it is best to grow the plants inside and provide just enough water while using the right amount of light. This creates an environment that’s not conducive to fungus growth.

However, when a grower notices this issue, it is a good idea to throw out the problem plant and start over. This can help prevent the Fusarium infection from spreading. It also helps to ensure that only healthy and safe buds are grown for consumption and use.

Being informed and knowing what to look for can help growers keep their marijuana crop healthy.


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