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How to Create Your Own Marijuana Clone Box

Cloning can be an excellent way to obtain new marijuana plants. Since they don’t start from seeds, they reach the harvest point much faster. Plus, once someone has found or created a specific strain they enjoy, they can create multiples of the same plant, allowing them to know exactly what to expect from every bud they harvest. One way to get started working with clones is to create a cloning box. This provides a safe area to quickly create new clones and to keep a staggered harvest, so there are always plants growing and ready to be harvested.

While the box is intended to be a place to create clones, it can also be used to germinate new seedlings and to store the mother plants that the clones will be taken from. This provides a convenient place to start everything and ensures all plants have what they need to start growing and to produce flowers as quickly as possible. Cloning boxes can be made to just about any size, so they’re a perfect option for those who grow just a few plants at a time or ones who grow hundreds of plants.

Why Have a Clone Box?

A clone box keeps all of the seedlings and clones contained to one area. When someone is growing a number of plants, this organization can be essential. There are other benefits to having a clone box as well, which is why small and large growers may want to create one on their own.

  • Provide the Right Environment – The box can be set up for the proper environment for seedlings and clones, allowing them to get everything they need to grow properly. When the environment is set up right, the clones and seedlings will grow faster, leading to a faster harvest.
  • Keep the Smell of the Plants Down – Depending on how the box is made, it can be possible to minimize the smell of the plants. This can be essential when the box is in a grow room inside the home or when the plants should be hidden from visitors.
  • Ensure the Plants are Secure – When clones and seedlings are kept in a box, they are more secure. No one can see them, so there’s a much smaller risk of them being inadvertently damaged.
  • Help Minimize Risk of Pests and diseases – Since the clones and seedlings are kept separate from other plants that are growing, it can help minimize the risk of pests and diseases. This allows for healthier plants and minimizes the risk of seedlings or clones dying.
  • Keep a Supply of Clones and Seedlings – In the box, it’s possible to continuously create new seedlings or clones, which means there’s a continuous supply of new plants available. This can help stagger the harvests, ensuring a continuous supply of marijuana.

Where to Locate Your Clone Box

Deciding where to locate the clone box is very subjective. Depending on the home, it may be possible to have the clone box located in the grow room. If this is not possible, depending on how the clone box looks, it can be created to blend into other parts of the home. The key to remember is that the clone box should easily fit into the space where it’s located and should not be located in an area where it could be spotted if the goal is to keep it hidden.

Deciding on where to locate the clone box before building it makes it easier to ensure the box is built to the right specifications. It also makes it easier to ensure the clone box is located in an area that is large enough to handle the size of the clone box, so it can hold as many seedlings and clones as possible. The clone box should also be located near an electrical source and in a location where adding water as needed won’t be a hassle.

How Large to Make the Clone Box

The size of the clone box is going to depend on the end-use. Those who only harvest a few plants at a time will not need a very large box. Those who plan to germinate or clone hundreds of plants per week will need a much larger box to keep everything in. New growers may want to start out small and experiment with the box to see what works best for them. It’s always possible to build a larger one later if it ends up being needed.

Those who do plan on creating a larger clone box from the start will want to keep in mind how much room each seedling or clone takes up as well as how much room they’ll need for the mother plants. Measuring the containers for each of the plants is a good start, though it may be best to leave a little bit of extra room just in case expansion is necessary or to ensure everything has plenty of space to grow.

Choose a Closet or Cabinet

Many people will opt to use a small closet or a box they have on hand already for their clone box. Some may want to create a custom cabinet to hold their clones and seedlings or purchase a ready-made cabinet from the store. Those who are going to be keeping hundreds of seedlings and clones in their box may want to look for a closet or cabinet that’s around four-feet wide, five-feet tall, and 18 inches deep. This provides plenty of room for the shelves needed and all of the plants that will be placed in the clone box. It also offers room for ventilation and lighting that will be necessary to allow the plants to grow rapidly.

The clone box can be made out of different materials, depending on the grower’s preferences, the size of the space, whether they purchase something or build something, and other factors. It is a good idea to ensure the clone box can be locked if security may be an issue. It’s also a good idea to ensure the material used is safe to use around electricity, as it can be warm inside the box, and the parts of the box closest to the lights may get warmer than other parts.

Other Supplies Needed

Basic supplies are needed to ensure the plants can grow properly while they’re in the box. While each box may turn out different, growers will need to have CFL bulbs, a CFL reflector, thermometers for checking the temperature, a humidity monitor, a ventilation hose, a fan, and Mylar foil. Other supplies needed include any hardware used to install the lights, ventilation, and other materials in the clone box as well as supplies for the clones and seedlings. Depending on the setup, growers may find they need or prefer additional supplies as well.

Create Ventilation for Plants

Marijuana plants require a lot of ventilation. The ventilation helps remove some of the hot air to ensure the temperature is right inside the clone box, remove some of the moisture to keep the humidity at the right level, and to provide fresh air for the plants. Since heat rises, it’s best to create a hole at the top of the box for the ventilation. It’s also a good idea to use a small exhaust fan to help push out the warm air and bring in fresh air for the plants. Since they require a significant amount of fresh air to grow properly, this is a step that cannot be overlooked.

If the mother plants for cloning are kept in the box, it becomes important to make sure the ventilation is adequate for them and ensure the smell is masked. The mother plants use more fresh air for photosynthesis, so they require more ventilation than the seedlings or clones might. Additionally, a carbon filter can be used to help get rid of the smell, so no one can tell marijuana is being grown in the box. Because the ventilation is carefully controlled, all air removed is pulled out through the exhaust fan. Locating the carbon filter there means the air must go through it when leaving, so the smell will be removed.

Hang Reflective Foil to Get More from the Light

Reflective foil helps reflect the light throughout the box, ensuring all of the seedlings and clones get the right amount of light. This can help them grow a lot faster and ensure they are healthy as they grow. Mylar is an excellent option for this because it is highly reflective and can be installed to prevent light from escaping the box. If the box needs to be hidden, this will help keep the light inside the box so it won’t be as noticeable. Aluminum foil or mirrors can also be used, though they may not work as well to spread the light around the box. It isn’t necessary to add the foil along the top of the box but can be done to help distribute the light further.

Divide the Box into Levels

The box should be divided into three levels unless it is a small box used only for a few clones or seedlings, and then the lights should be installed for each level. The levels separate the different stages, so it’s easy to check on all of the plants and see where they’re at and how they’re doing. The top level is for seeds that are being germinated. For these, one or two lights are plenty because they mainly just need the heat the lights provide. This shelf can be around 10 inches tall, depending on the space available.

The middle level is for the seedlings as they grow and the clones that are growing roots. This shelf should be large enough for quite a few plants to fit as they grow. This shelf should be around 15 inches tall and have enough plenty of light. Depending on the number of plants, three to four CFL bulbs should be sufficient. The bottom level is around 25 inches tall, and it provides room for mother plants and any plants that have reached the vegetative stage. Two larger CFL bulbs can be placed here, along with reflectors, to ensure the growing plants have the light needed.

If Needed, Add Camouflage

Some growers will want to camouflage the clone box, so it’s not as easily noticed by others who may enter their home. This can help keep the plants safe and secure. Depending on what the clone box is made from, it may be possible to disguise it as just another piece of furniture in the room. If it’s made from a large cabinet, for instance, it’s possible to place a few books or a plant on top of it for decoration. This helps it blend into the room and ensures that anyone who enters the room won’t be able to instantly tell that it has marijuana plants inside.

If the clone box does need to be camouflaged, it’s crucial to mask the light that can seep out of the box and hide the smell. As mentioned previously, using Mylar foil and covering the inside of the box can help stop light from leaking out, and using a carbon filter can help get rid of the smell. Care should also be taken to hide the electrical and ventilation lines coming from the cabinet, as those may be a sign that the box is not just a cabinet in the room.

Cloning and germinating cannabis seeds are necessary to start new marijuana plants growing, but they require certain care and attention while they’re getting started. A clone box can be the perfect way to keep the clones and seedlings separate from the other plants and to keep everything organized between harvests. If you’re planning on cloning or germinating many plants at a time, consider using the steps here to design and build your own clone box. This way, you can customize it to meet your needs exactly and ensure your plants have everything they need to be healthy and to grow quickly. Haven’t found seeds yet? Get some high-quality cannabis seeds from!


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