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How to Dose Weed Edibles

The Correct Dosage for Weed Edibles

As medical and recreational marijuana becomes legalized in more states, this fantastic plant has begun to draw in a more diverse following of enthusiasts. Many recent converts, especially those attracted to marijuana for its medicinal benefits, aren’t as enthusiastic about smoking as the stereotypical stoners of yore. This has driven demand for and interest in weed edibles as a healthier alternative.

While marijuana edibles don’t pose the same risks to lung health that come along with smoking a joint, they do pose one unique danger. As almost anyone who has tried edibles can attest, they’re notoriously hard to dose. Since edibles take a while to kick in, it’s common for users to consume too little to achieve the desired effects or, much worse, to assume they haven’t eaten enough and go back for more before the first dose kicks in.

While eating too many edibles isn’t going to kill anyone, it can leave consumers feeling uncomfortably high. Instead of resigning themselves to the potential for excess anxiety or unanticipated four-hour naps, consumers should read on to find out what they need to know about dosing marijuana edibles before they bake their next batches of brownies or head to the dispensary. If you are beginning your growing journey with i49 seeds that you plan to harvest and convert into edibles, this guide is also going to be helpful for you.

Why Try Edibles?

Every consumer turns to edibles for a slightly different reason. Some want to use marijuana to treat a medical or psychological condition but don’t relish the thought of having to smoke it. Others love how discreet it is to just eat a cookie in a public place instead of risking public backlash or potential legal issues. Yet another benefit is the fact that you can freeze most edibles to preserve them. So, if you have an excess of bud from your huge crop of gsc x jack herer or purple haze strain plants, what better way than to bake it into some cookies and freeze them for months down the road?

Seasoned marijuana smokers may be looking for a new experience, or they may have heard that edibles have a stronger effect than smoking marijuana. The benefits of eating weed edibles are many, so it’s worth the trial and error of figuring out the correct dosage.

The Risks of Improper Dosage

Keep in mind that no one has ever overdosed on marijuana, especially that from high cbd seeds. It’s likely not even physically possible to overdose on THC. That being said, consuming too many edibles at once can cause some unpleasant side effects. Depending on how much people consume, serious side effects of overconsumption can include impaired mobility, paranoia, hallucinations, nausea, and panic attacks.

Some first-time consumers of weed edibles have even gone to the ER after experiencing these worrisome symptoms. Don’t do that, for the record. Unless consumers have serious underlying conditions like a history of heart attacks or they’re on medications that could cause adverse reactions, there’s no reason for them to worry about lasting health impacts of even an immensely unpleasant experience with overconsumption.

Why Is Overconsumption So Common?

Almost everyone, from first-time marijuana users to seasoned smokers, has accidentally eaten too many weed edibles at some point in his or her life. There are a few reasons this problem is so common beyond the fact that the THC in edibles is more concentrated than it is in marijuana flowers. Also, much of the nation’s current stock of cannabis is genetically stronger than it has been in decades past. For example, t s not difficult to find 30% thc seeds today for a variety of well known strains (i.e. gorilla glue marijuana seeds or bruce banner strain seeds. For most consumers, understanding them is the first step toward avoiding problems with getting too high.

Longer Wait Time

When smoking a joint, the effects start kicking in almost immediately. This makes it easy to figure out how much weed to smoke. If one hit isn’t enough, smokers can take a second, or a third, or a fourth. Edibles need to be metabolized before they can take effect, so it’s much harder for consumers to gauge how they will respond.

Differences in Metabolism

To make matters more complicated, the length of time it takes for weed edibles to kick in varies from person to person. Those with fast metabolisms may start to get high within just 45 minutes to an hour. For someone with a slow metabolism, it might take two to three hours to feel the effects. For those trying edibles for the first time with a group of friends, this can be frustrating and confusing.

Differences in Tolerance

Even veteran smokers aren’t immune to getting too high from weed edibles. Many assume that since they have high tolerances for smoking marijuana, they’ll be able to take much larger doses than those recommended for first-time users. This isn’t always the case, though. Marijuana acts on the body and brain differently when it’s ingested orally, so a high tolerance for smoking doesn’t necessarily translate into a high tolerance for eating weed-infused products. Smoking effects differ vastly between sativa seeds and indica seeds, and these opposing effects also translate the same way when those strains are blended into weed edibles. For example, cookies made with bud from purple indica seeds may cause the consumer to become tired and relaxed, whereas blue dream strain seeds will lead to buds that provide a bump of energy.

Effects of Eating

Eating a hardy meal before consuming a weed edible can help to mitigate its effects when compared to eating it on an empty stomach. Drinkers can think about it like alcohol. One shot of alcohol following a meal won’t have much of an effect at all on a frequent drinker, but one shot on an empty stomach will usually hit much stronger. Weed edibles work the same way.

Unlike alcohol, though, eating a meal after eating a weed edible won’t reduce its potency. It may actually make the weed edible stronger. For those who don’t have much experience with weed edibles, it’s better to try them for the first time after a good meal than it is to start on an empty stomach.

Tips for Avoiding Overconsumption

In a perfect world, everyone who wanted to use marijuana edibles would be able to get them from a reputable source that carefully measured THC and CBD concentrations in their cannabutter or infused oil and labeled their products clearly. Unfortunately, many consumers in the United States don’t have the option of just heading to a dispensary to buy professionally made weed edibles, and even if they did, not all of them would know what dose to try.

Buy from a Reputable Supplier

If consumers have the option of heading to a reputable medical or recreational marijuana dispensary to buy edibles, they might want to do so, at least for the first time. The fact that commercially produced weed edibles contain consistent concentrations of THC and other cannabinoids and are subject to quality testing means it’s easier to avoid overconsumption. There should be dosage information on the label. While it’s fine, or even advisable, to take less than the recommended dose, first-time or infrequent users shouldn’t exceed it until they’ve figured out how their bodies and minds will react.

Those who live in states where marijuana hasn’t been fully legalized can’t just head to the dispensary, but they should still try to buy from reputable suppliers. If possible, ask the person providing the edibles how much bud he or she used to make the cannabutter or infused oil in them. Some serious producers may even be able to estimate the strength of their products, so it’s worth asking.

Take Dosage Instructions with a Grain of Salt

As a general rule, commercially produced weed edibles are made to be dosed at 10mg. That can be a lot for first-time users, though, especially if they’re not daily smokers. It’s always better to be safe than sorry since it’s easy to eat some more gummies or the other half of a brownie if the first one wasn’t strong enough, but those who eat too much will have no option to take back their decisions.

Those who are buying weed edibles from individual growers or producers should be even more careful when it comes to taking dosage instructions with a grain of salt. Most people who make edibles, whether for a living or for fun, partake of their own products pretty regularly, which gives them a higher tolerance. If they say they usually get high after eating one brownie, start with a quarter of a brownie. Consumers who are eating edibles for the first time with friends should follow the same advice. You can also plan to grow medical marijuana seeds that are matched to your tolerance level and your particular symptoms.

Start Slow

No matter the circumstances of a consumer’s first-time trying edibles, starting slow is always the way to go. Give the edible at least two to three hours to kick in before upping the dose. Otherwise, it may all kick in at once and produce unpleasant and unexpected side effects. It’s also wise to up the dose slowly, even after waiting for several hours. When ingested orally, THC stays in the body for hours and it will have a cumulative effect.

Ignore Peer Pressure

Trying edibles for the first time with friends? Don’t give in to peer pressure and ignore that one person who feels the need to brag about how many pot cookies he or she can eat at once. Taking edibles isn’t a competition. The point is for everyone to have a good time, not to see who can get the highest.

Start Sober

As anyone who has ever smoked a blunt at a party after having a few beers can attest, combining marijuana with alcohol or other drugs can intensify its effects and make unpleasant side effects much worse. This is just as true of taking edibles as it is of smoking weed. Start out sober, especially the first time. It will dramatically increase users’ chances of having a good time instead of getting sick.

Try it in a Comfortable Environment

Unless they’re taking very small doses for medical reasons, most people don’t like to try edibles for the first time when they’re alone. It’s better to try them for the first time with a close friend or two who has a little more experience. That way, if a first-time user takes too large a dose, he or she will be able to get reassurance and, if necessary, help from someone trustworthy. Plus, that friend will be more likely to remember exactly how many cookies, gummies, or other edibles were involved, making it easier to avoid future dosing issues.

Most people prefer to try weed edibles for the first time at home, especially if they plan to take larger doses. That way, they can lie down in their own beds if they need to instead of having to deal with making plans to get home if something goes wrong. Once users get used to edibles and find out how much they can handle, it’s fine to take them in more social settings.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to how certain edibles, strains, and doses feel. It might even be a good idea to write it down, especially if consumers eat too much. That way, they’ll know what to expect next time and will be able to tone it down to avoid making the same mistake again.

Don’t Assume a High Tolerance for Smoking Will Translate Well

Veteran smokers often make the mistake of assuming that they’ll be able to eat more edibles than friends who don’t smoke every day. That high tolerance doesn’t translate well, though. Marijuana has a different effect when it’s absorbed through the stomach lining and usually produces a much more intense high.

Don’t Drive

Do not plan on driving anywhere after taking edibles. This goes not just for first-time users, but for those who frequently eat weed-infused products, as well. It just isn’t safe.

What to Do During an “Overdose”

Even if they follow the advice above, some consumers might still experience some unpleasant side effects from the overconsumption of edibles. The most important thing to remember is that no one has ever died of a THC overdose. No matter how anxiety-inducing the experience is, it won’t cause long-term harm.

The best thing to do is to find a place that feels safe and comfortable and stay put. Take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Put on a movie or some calming music and just ride it out, because there’s no way to reverse the effects. Once things calm down, write down the dose, type of edible, and other circumstances that produced the negative reaction to make it easier to avoid the next time.

The Bottom Line

When taken in appropriate doses, weed edibles are fantastic. They can be used to treat pain, anxiety, insomnia, and a whole host of other medical illnesses, or just to relax and have a good time. It often takes consumers a while to figure out dosing, but starting off with half the recommended dose and paying close attention to how it feels will reduce the chances of negative side effects. Once they figure out how to dose edibles properly, most consumers find that it’s well worth the effort and minor discomfort of one or two bad experiences.


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