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Mushrooms in Cannabis Garden

Mushrooms in a Cannabis Garden

Mushrooms pop up in a yard or garden, and growers often start to panic. They wonder how and why the fungi are showing up. In fact, mushrooms appear in numerous places, including in fabric pots and other containers, even those autoflower cannabis seeds you grow in pots in your basement. Fortunately, they tend to be harmless to plants and often are beneficial in terms of improving the quality of the soil.

Fungi-Good or Bad?

When people think of fungi, mold comes to mind. However, mold is one only type of fungi, and there are numerous others. What makes these organisms so unique is the fact that they have characteristics of both plants and animals. They grow in soil and lack muscles, nervous systems, and other structures vital to animal life. Nevertheless, their evolution greatly resembles that of animals. Certain fungi species go through life as single-celled organisms, while others are much more complex.

As fungal cells grow in strands, they penetrate small areas with ease. The strands move through wood, roots, soil, and rock, and the strands often extend for feet or yards. In fact, a fungus known as Armillaria serves as the world’s largest living organism. This fungus can be found in Oregon and stretches over 2,000 acres of land.

Mushrooms fall into the fungi category and are beneficial in many ways. For example, mushrooms put nutrients back into the soil or assist plants in the exchange of nutrients. Mycelium makes up the bulk of this fungus, and it is found underground, in wood, and in other mediums. As the mycelium matures, it produces a fruiting body or the mushroom humans are familiar with. Reproduction occurs with the help of tiny spores released by the plant.

Mushroom Growth

Mushrooms differ from marijuana plants in many ways, most of which is their reproduction cycle. Once spores are released by the fungus, they need to find a nutritious source to attach to, such as a dead plant or animal or the roots of a living plant. As long as there is a breeze to move the spores or an animal around that can carry the spores on its fur, mushrooms can reproduce. These fungi lack the chlorophyll plants use to make food, so their nutrition comes from the live or dead plant for sustenance. However, this interaction benefits the host plant rather than harming it.

The mushroom provides the host plant with nutrients it needs, and the plant returns the favor by producing the sugars the mushrooms feed off of. In addition, a mushroom helps to decompose organic materials and release them back into the soil through a process known as saprophytism. Organic materials mushrooms help decompose include dying roots of a neglected white widow or purple kush cannabis plant, plants and animals that are already dead, or the waste of plants and animals. The mushrooms pull any remaining nutrients from the dead source before introducing these nutrients back into the soil. Insects and bacteria cannot do the same. As a result, soil health improves.

How Do Mushrooms Benefit the Soil?

Mushrooms lack roots and must feed by attaching to the roots of a live plant or decaying organic material in the soil. Spores hidden in the soil feed off the roots of a newly transplanted plant. That explains why they appear when new plants are introduced to an area. When mushrooms appear before seeds sprouts, it shows the spores were present and already feeding on a source present in the soil. Often, this is a wood chip buried underground.

Mushrooms prefer areas that are dark, cool, humid, and moist, As a result, the fungi frequently grow out of the sides of fabric grow bags. The bags become damp when the outdoor cannabis or indoor cannabis seeds potted cannabis plants are fed. As the bag sits in a humid place and temperatures begin to rise, the spores grow into mushrooms.

Removing Mushrooms From the Growing Area

Growers might find they need to remove mushrooms from their garden. If they are beneficial, why must this step be taken? Although mushrooms function as a pesticide in certain cases, household pets become ill when some species are ingested. The same holds true for humans when some species are consumed.

Care must be taken to make certain the spores aren’t spread as the mushrooms are eliminated. Growers need to remove the questionable mushrooms as soon as they are seen in the growing area. Doing so doesn’t harm the plants. Additionally, make changes to the environment to make it inhospitable to fungi spores. Raise the temperature in the growing area when possible, allow the garden to dry out somewhat to avoid moist conditions, and lower the humidity.

Pre-mixed soil often comes with mushroom spores incorporated into the mixture. The easiest way to avoid introducing these spores into your garden is to make your own soil and compost. By doing so, you know exactly what is present in the soil and won’t have mushrooms taking root before you know it.

Mushrooms and Cannabis Plants

The sight of mushrooms in their growing area often puts fear in the hearts of cannabis growers. There is no need for concern, however. Most fungal species benefit the garden rather than harm it.

What are the advantages and drawbacks of mushrooms when it comes to your personal crop of bruce banner auto fem marijuana?

The Benefits of Mushrooms in a Cannabis Garden

Mushrooms in a cannabis garden form a symbiotic relationship with the marijuana plants. Both species benefit when this is the case. The mushrooms bind to the roots of the plants where they feed off the amino acids and carbohydrates produced by the plant. As they do so, they enhance the ability of the plant to absorb nutrients and water from the soil. In addition, the fungi help to boost the plant’s resilience to drought and other unfavorable climate conditions while suppressing diseases in the soil.

Marijuana growers recognize these benefits and are starting to take advantage of the partnership to improve the overall health of their garden. In fact, many now purposely introduce mycorrhizae, a certain type of fungus, to the growing area to obtain these benefits. Mycorrhizae improve the health of the plants and may also boost the total yield of your ak47 weed or tropicana cookie strain plants. The fungus reduces the plants’ susceptibility to environmental stressors as well as pests. Growers obtain these supplements through commercial sources and incorporate them into the soil to obtain these benefits.

Nevertheless, growers need to be aware that there are drawbacks to fungi in a cannabis garden as well.

Drawbacks of Mushrooms in a Cannabis Garden

Certain mushrooms come with dangerous side effects. For instance, eating the wrong mushroom could lead to hallucinations, extreme illness, or death. The average person lacks the knowledge to distinguish between good and bad mushrooms, so care must be taken at all times when consuming these items.

Additionally, parents and pet owners must ensure their children and furry companions don’t have access to mushrooms. While responsible cannabis growers prevent unauthorized access to their high-yield seed growing area, security must remain a top priority at all times to prevent issues such as these.

The easiest way to prevent unauthorized access to mushrooms is to remove them as soon as they appear. As the mycelium might remain active, the process of detecting new mushrooms needs to be carried out regularly.

Even more importantly, however, is the detection of mold around cannabis plants. Mold can negatively impact even mold resistant cannabis seeds as well as the roots and buds of mature marijuana plants. Sadly, this fungus tends to appear right before it is time to harvest the crop, and weeks of work are wasted.

Recognizing and Preventing this Fungus in a Cannabis Garden.

Growers see several types of mold in gardens across the country, including in cannabis gardens. Botrytis remains among the most common, although growers tend to refer to it as bud rot. As the name suggests, bud rot affects the buds of cannabis plants, leading them to rot from the inside. Sadly, this means the damage is already done before the mold is detected. Grayish-white bulbs and buds with a slimy or squishy feel typically indict bud rot, so remove any impacted buds right away.

Plants with dense buds tend to develop bud rot more than their siblings. For this reason, growers need to keep the plants well-trimmed, as this allows for adequate air circulation. Growers likewise must keep an eye on the temperature and humidity of indoor grow rooms. Mold loves cool, moist conditions.

Maintain temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and never let it fall below 55 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Cannabis plants prefer high humidity, approximately 70 percent, during the vegetative stage, but humidity must be lower when the plant reaches the flowering stage.

To further reduce the risk of bud rot, never overwater the plants. Give them time to dry completely before watering again, which is particularly important as the plant begins to enter the flowering stage. Ensure the growing area remains clean along with all equipment used on and around the plants. Finally, monitor the plants carefully and remove diseased buds right away.

Mold remains a problem during the drying and curing stage. When hanging buds, ensure there is enough distance between them to allow for good air circulation. Carry out this process indoors in a room that stays between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and never goes above 50 percent humidity.

The Bottom Line

In general, mushrooms in a cannabis garden pose no threat. They actually show that the soil is healthy. Growers retain the right to remove the mushrooms if they don’t like their appearance or for safety reasons.

Watch for mold, however, as it can decimate a crop quickly. Be sure to consider conditions in the growing area when problems develop. Mushrooms could be an indication that the grow area is too damp and cold and mold could become a concern. Growers need to question new developments in the grow area to determine if they are helpful or harmful to the crop. Also, don’t forget to check out our currently featured strains to see if there is something unique that you haven’t tried to grow yet! Thanks for reading.


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