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Can You Overdose on Marijuana

Can You Overdose on Marijuana? 

With some still viewing marijuana as a gateway drug, there is occasionally talk of overdose. Although smoking too much cannabis can lead to adverse effects, most of these are temporary, and there is no danger of overdosing. To understand why an overdose is not part of the equation, it is imperative that individuals realize how marijuana affects the body.

How Does Marijuana Work in the Brain?

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), is very similar in chemical composition to anandamide. This fatty acid neurotransmitter is responsible for relaying messages about pain, depression, memory, fertility, and hunger. Because it is so similar in composition to anandamide, the human brain processes THC without any problems.

There are many cannabinoid receptors in the brain, and they congregate in areas that control pleasure, memory, thinking, and perception. When someone smokes marijuana, THC attaches to these cannabinoid receptors and activates them.

THC helps to stimulate the brain to begin releasing dopamine, which creates feelings of euphoria. The feeling of euphoria is what leads to many people enjoying marijuana. The effects of marijuana will typically last around two hours, but this can vary depending on the strain, quantity smoked, and the individuals weight, among other variables.

Tetrahydrocannabinol also offers medical benefits. It has been found to reduce pain, improve mood, and can be used to help individuals deal with the side-effects of chemo. As more research is carried out, it is expected there will be more states working to legalize cannabis.

What are the Benefits of Marijuana?

Before delving into the possible adverse side-effects, it is important to understand the benefits. Marijuana does much more good than harm and has helped many people relieve serious medical conditions. Consider the following benefits that encompass many types of medical conditions.

  • Pain control is one of the primary reasons people medicinally consume marijuana. Chronic pain becomes overwhelming to handle but using marijuana can bring relief without the nasty side effects of pain medications.
  • Weight loss can also be a benefit of using marijuana regularly. Weight loss happens with cannabis because it helps to regulate insulin levels and depending on the strain, can assist with decreasing appetite.
  • Marijuana users have found using this drug can help to improve their diabetic condition because it helps to regulate blood insulin levels.
  • There is evidence that has shown marijuana can help fight cancer. It can also compliment other types of cancer treatments. When chemo causes nausea and other issues, certain strains of marijuana have been proven to help increase appetite and reduce nausea.
  • Depression is challenging to handle. When depression and anxiety are combined, many people find help from cannabis to calm their mind, reduce fears and worries and increase joy and pleasure.
  • Cannabis has also been found to help control seizures in those with epilepsy. Controlling epilepsy without risky medications is extremely beneficial.

Are There Dangers associated with Too Much Marijuana?

Although marijuana poses no real health dangers, too much of anything is never a good thing. Smoking too much marijuana at a time can lead to panic attacks that can become severe. These attacks can cause the following symptoms.

  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Self-consciousness
  • Loss of self-control
  • Racing thoughts
  • Disorientation

Although this rarely occurs, it can occasional impact some individuals. Until you know how your body reacts to marijuana, it would be wise to keep usage to a minimum, especially when experimenting with new strains.

Even if you were to experience adverse effects, the symptoms are typically short-lived and resolve themselves in just a few hours. There should never be a life-threatening reaction that leads to severe complications.

Most people who experience this type of reaction do so when trying marijuana for the first time. Often, individuals will try marijuana in unfamiliar surroundings, leading to confusion and panic. If you are going to smoke marijuana for the first time, make sure to do so with someone you trust and in a familiar and safe place.

By using it in this manner, it is much easier to allow yourself to become accustomed to marijuana without being worried about the side-effects. For most, smoking marijuana is a pleasant experience, however there are times it can cause unwanted physical side-effects for some. These include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting

When smoked with caution, marijuana is completely safe for most people. If you do experience any unwanted mental or physical side-effects, it is essential to reduce the amount you smoke until the experience is more comfortable. Other solutions some people have found for “greening out” are taking an advil, large doses of vitamin C, or simply lying down for a brief nap until the symptoms naturally fade away.

Overdosing Does Not Cause Death

Unlike some other drugs, excessive use of marijuana does not lead to an overdose death. There have been zero deaths caused by marijuana overdose, making it one of the safest choices for enhancing mood.

Most people do not overdose when inhaling marijuana. Smoking it allows users, almost instantly, to know when they have reached their limit, so they do not go overboard. Unfortunately, ingesting marijuana in brownies and other edibles can sometimes lead to too much consumption because the effects do not kick in right away. By the time a person starts to feel the effects, they have already consumed too much. This is why it is important to start with low doses and increase slowly (if desired) after the initial effects have been experienced.

Cannabis poisoning is very rare today. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it often happened because doctors administered marijuana in very high doses, almost 100 times the recommended amount. Today, no one is going to be administering that high a dose.

How Much Is Too Much?

In most cases, smoking marijuana simply leads to a lot of goofy laughs or a lot of sleep. No matter the reason you are indulging, it is vital to understand your limits.

When someone becomes addicted to anything, even marijuana, it can have a negative impact on their life. Individuals who find it impossible to go a day without smoking will benefit from checking their habits and ensure they are not overindulging. Although marijuana is certainly not a dangerous drug, anything can become a habit.

When asking how much is too much, it is important to know there is no definitive amount that puts everyone over the line. The fact is, marijuana affects everyone in different ways. What is too much for one person may be fine for another.

Using marijuana here and there is not dangerous and should not result in any adverse reactions. When cannabis starts interfering with your daily responsibilities and life, it is time to reevaluate its usefulness.

Tips for Using Marijuana Responsibly

Marijuana is useful in many ways and can even improve your health. When used responsibly, it offers many benefits without causing any life-altering problems. Thankfully, some tips make using marijuana much safer and less problematic.

Whether you are using marijuana medicinally or recreationally, consider the following tips.

  1. Always start with a low amount and go very slowly. Using too much too soon can lead to unwanted effects.
  2. If you purchase commercially grown cannabis, it is crucial that you know the THC percentage. Most run between 10-30%. If possible, choose a lower percentage of THC when first starting out.
  3. Using a strain that contains an ideal blend of THC and CBD can give you the positive effects without causing adverse ones to occur.
  4. In the beginning, you should avoid ingesting edibles as they can sneak up on you and make it tricky to establish your ideal dose. As stated above, edibles do not kick in for a couple of hours and can lead to excess THC consumption. The effects also do not wear off as quickly as with inhaled THC, often lasting for several hours.

Taking the above steps will help you to avoid experiencing adverse reactions and will allow you to enjoy using cannabis in a responsible and positive way. As you grow more tolerant of THC, be mindful with increasing the dose to ensure that it remains comfortable.

How to Deal with Any Adverse Effects

If you happen to find intense effects begin to rise, there is help. There are ways you can counteract any overly intense effects and go through them as quickly and painlessly as possible. Follow these steps to remain as calm as possible until the effects wear off within an hour or two. The more relaxed you stay throughout this period, the more likely the unwanted side-effects will dissipate quickly.

  • Relaxation is crucial for overcoming the intense unwanted effects of smoking or consuming too much marijuana. Find a quiet place that is free from distractions and simply try to rest. If you cannot sleep it off, at least try to close your eyes and relax as much as possible.
  • Try not to panic. Panicking is one of the worst things you can do when the high is too much to handle. No matter how your mind plays tricks on you, there is no real danger, only what is perceived. Remaining calm is essential for preventing further adverse reactions.
  • Water is crucial for helping to flush the THC out of your system as quickly as possible. Many people get dry mouth after smoking too much, and drinking water can help to alleviate the dryness. Sipping water will also help you to change your focus, so stress is relieved.
  • Distraction can also be beneficial. Finding something to do to occupy your time will keep your mind off the stress. Taking a walk, reading, or watching a movie can all help to pass the time until you feel better.
  • Surprisingly, peppercorns can help combat too much THC in your system. If you are feeling overly paranoid, try crunching on a peppercorn and then spitting it out. You can also lightly sniff pepper, but never attempt to inhale it. Peppercorns contain organic compounds that help to alleviate some of the symptoms of being too high.
  • CBD oil can also help to counteract the anxiety and other unwanted issues that can go along with getting too high. CBD oil does not contain THC, so it will not increase the high you are feeling or make the side-effects worse.

How Long Does It Take to Get Over a High?

It will typically take between thirty minutes and two hours for cannabis to begin to get out of your system. How long it takes to get over a high depends on the following factors:

  1. Which form of marijuana was consumed? Edibles are going to take longer to offer any effect, and the high will last longer. When you inhale THC, it typically lasts less time.
  2. The more cannabis consumed, the longer the high. If you consume a lot of marijuana, expect to remain high for longer.
  3. The quality of marijuana can also play a role in how high it makes you. Typically, the higher the quality, the better the high.
  4. Different strains have different levels of THC. The level of terpenes in marijuana plays a significant role in how high you become.
  5. Your body also plays a role in how long you stay high. How quickly the body metabolizes marijuana will determine how long it stays in your system.
  6. Those who are new to using marijuana will find their highs are more intense and last much longer than those who have smoked or ingested for a long time.

Enjoying marijuana should not come with stress. Worrying about insane highs or unwanted side-effects can prevent you from truly taking pleasure in each unique sensation that the different strains offer.

Starting with a smaller amount and allowing plenty of time between sessions will ensure you can fully enjoy the pleasurable sensations of smoking marijuana or enjoying foods that are laced with its medicinal qualities.

Bottom Line

You cannot overdose on marijuana to the point of causing death, but it is possible to overindulge, whether intentionally or accidentally.

If you do get too high, use the above steps to overcome it quickly. Smoking or ingesting marijuana responsibly will allow you to enjoy the highs without feeling overwhelmed.

As a beginner, it would be wise to stick with smoking because it is much easier to control the level of THC consumption. Once you have gained experience and understand how to handle the highs, edibles are a fun way to enjoy marijuana.

No matter which way you choose to enjoy cannabis, make sure to do it responsibly. Marijuana offers a range of benefits, including those that improve physical and mental health. When consumed responsibly, marijuana is considered one of the safest drugs available on the market today. Souvenir seeds are available from online cannabis seed bank like i49.


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