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Drug Tests: How to Flush Pot Out Of Your System

You may love marijuana for a lot of reasons, but when it comes to helping you pass your drug tests, then it is the last thing your want attached to your name going across your boss’s desk. When you are or have been a user and a drug test is coming up, you will desire to flush out every bit of any component of marijuana that might still be in your system at the time of the test. But before you delve into the specific things you can do to flush pot out of your system, you should understand how the drug tests work and so that you know how best to beat them. Most of the drug tests usually involve a process known as urinalysis, which simply refers to the analysis of your urine to determine the presence of metabolites which might suggest marijuana usage. For marijuana drug tests, the commonly targeted metabolite is the level of tetrahydrocannabinol, THC in your blood. The process of flushing pot out of your system therefore, will aim at eliminating or reducing the levels of THC from your blood stream to accepted levels if not flushing everything out. Following are some of the tried and tested methods you could use to remove pot out of your system before you go in for the drug test:

Flushing Marijuana From the System Before a Drug Test

Certain states permit marijuana use for recreational and/or medicinal purposes. However, employers in these states may continue to test employees and potential employees for drug use. Each state makes its own laws regarding marijuana use and drug testing in the workplace. Why is this important? What can a person do to flush marijuana from the system before taking the required drug test?

More than half of all employers today require a drug test before providing a job offer. They use the test to eliminate candidates during a job search, and a person could find they miss out on their dream job as a result or lose a job they already have. Flushing marijuana out of the system prior to the test increases the odds of the user keeping or securing their employment.

How Long Does THC Remain in the Body?

Is it necessary to flush the body before the test? Will the test be able to detect tetrahydrocannabinol or THC? The test looks for metabolites, which are the chemicals found in THC, and they may or may not appear during the testing process. Many factors play a role in how long they remain in the body.

Metabolites typically linger in the body for approximately seven days. However, obese individuals and those who regularly smoke marijuana find they stay in the body longer, sometimes several weeks before they become undetectable. Several factors influence the amount of THC in the system.

Frequency of use affects the detectable level of THC in a person’s system, as a regular user finds they need more of their American Haze or Girl Scout Cookies in the evening to achieve the desired high. The body adapts to the amount of marijuana present in the system, so the high becomes harder to achieve without additional product. People refer to this as their tolerance level for THC. As heavy users consume more THC, they need more time to flush it from the system. Some growers simply invest in higher THC seeds the next time around, but as this continues, you need to take a tolerance break at some point in time,

The user’s metabolism dictates the time needed for the system to break this THC down and eliminate it from the body. Expect this process to take longer if you struggle with a slow metabolism. Several factors regulate the metabolic process, including age, height, weight, gender, and genetics.

Fat cells in the body store THC metabolites. Individuals with larger fat cells, such as those who are obese, find it takes longer for their system to clear the THC as a result. Certain people have larger fat cells because of a medical condition, and they find they have a similar experience with flushing THC from their bodies.

The potency of the marijuana affects the time needed to remove the metabolites from the system. Products with high THC levels lead to a stronger presence of metabolites in the body, and the metabolites must be removed prior to the drug test for a negative result.

The Different Drug Tests

Most employers rely on urine tests for drug screening. However, other tests exist that may be used for this purpose. Knowing which test they will administer could be of aid in determining how best to flush THC from the system. Whether you are a Bruce Banner or Black Domina type of smoker, you don’t necessarily want your employer to know this about you. There is nothing to be ashamed about with cannabis use, but professional and private lives ought to be kept separate, especially for a brand new position.

The most frequently used five-panel urine test looks for cannabis, amphetamines, phencyclidine, opiates, and cocaine. This remains the most commonly used test today, but there are others.

The saliva test looks for recent cannabis use. Employers choose this test to see if a person has used THC in the past 24 hours for light users and 34 hours for heavy users. Cannabis takes time to enter the bloodstream, so this test checks for any THC that remains hidden with the blood test.

A blood analysis looks to see if there is THC present in the bloodstream. THC makes its way into the bloodstream through the lungs, and this occurs immediately upon use. It remains there for two to seven days and allows the testing facility to see recent marijuana intake.

Hair tests remain uncommon, although they detect marijuana consumption in the past 90 to 120 days. The test measures metabolized THC present in the hair follicles, but cannot detect recent cannabis use. A person finds it difficult to get around this test.

Detection Windows

Every test features a different detection window that it uses when testing for THC and other chemicals. Learn the test date and monitor cannabis intake to ensure it doesn’t fall within the detection window. This allows you to pass the drug test without difficulty.

After a single use, saliva tests detect THC 12 to 24 hours after use. With urine tests, the detection window ranges from one to three days after use, and the same holds true for blood tests. Hair tests come with the longest detection window, ranging from three to five days after use to 90 days after use. However, these figures only apply to those who are light users. Heavy users have a more concentrated presence of THC in their bodies, and the detection windows remain longer as a result.

Flushing Marijuana from the System

Never assume flushing marijuana from the system is easy. Tests available today are very effective. If you wish to try, however, many methods remain available. A person may wish to combine several methods to increase the odds of the THC being undetectable on the day of the test. Following are some methods (some more obvious than others)

Halt Marijuana Consumption

The easiest way of overcoming a drug test involves stopping marijuana and other illicit drug use.  If there are no drugs in the system, a test cannot detect them. Upon learning of the drug test, stop marijuana use immediately. Although you may believe yo       u can continue until closer to this date, err on the side of caution. Know what triggers marijuana use and avoid those situations. This may be an opportunity to get into a new hobby like growing indoor seeds or outdoor seeds of your very own! If you’ve grown for a while, try an exotic strain like Auto Mandarine.

Increase Water Intake

Water dilutes the urine sample when a urinalysis is conducted. When THC levels in a sample fall below a certain level, test administrators ignore them. Consume water and the THC level in the sample drops in proportion to the sample. This boosts your chances of clearing the drug test.

Excessive water intake harms a person, so begin this process a few days before the test and stop all marijuana consumption. Drink no more than four gallons of water every day through the day of the test. This may be enough to clear the THC from the system or bring it down to an undetectable level.

Lab technicians know this technique. They examine the color of the urine and the creatine level in the body. If the creatine level is low and the urine is colorless, they may require a reexamination. This depends on the lab and the technicians carrying out the test.

Users discovered a way to get around this problem. Take Vitamin B pills before the test, as they add a natural yellow tinge to the urine sample. Consume 50 to 100 milligrams of Vitamin B-2 and B-12 a few hours before you take the test. This solves the problem of colorless urine.

Besides the vitamins, take creatine supplements six hours before the scheduled test. These supplements feature a half-life of three hours and will ensure the creative level isn’t negatively impacted by the water intake.


This is a natural way to achieve holistic detoxification for the whole body and not just for ejecting marijuana from your system. For marijuana drug tests specifically, exercising is perhaps the ideal way to pass the tests since through exercise, you will burn up the very fat cells that normally hold the THC. However, since THC is re-released into your system as the body fat burns, albeit at low levels, you should not do exercises 24 hours prior to the testing.

Healthy diet

Another effective way to clear pot out of your system and never get worried about failing a drug test is to observe a very healthy diet. The recommended diet for this purpose should be rich in fiber and it should be taken several days prior to the drug test. You can get good amounts of fiber by eating fruits and vegetables. These will do wonders in helping your digestive tract to get moving as it cleans you out during the process. You will also be excited to know that THC and its metabolites are normally excreted during the natural bowel movements and since fiber is good at improving this, you will enhance your chances of getting out most of the THC days before the test date.


Some labs take an oral sample to test for THC, although this isn’t common. If a person only has 24 hours before the scheduled drug test, certain products help to minimize the risk of THC appearing in this sample. Thirty minutes before the test, use a mouth, breath spray, or oral rinse.

If a special mouthwash is obtained for the test, read the manufacturer’s instructions. They provide information on how long the mouthwash will hide THC and when to use the product. Follow the instructions exactly to get the best outcome.

The thought of taking a drug test scares many. Failing this test could lead to the loss of a job or the rescinding of a job offer. Many people become anxious when faced with this prospect, yet they remain skeptical about their ability to lower the THC level in their bodies using different methods. This is understandable but doesn’t mean a person shouldn’t try. Learn about the test being administered and use the above methods to counteract it. When you have a plan in place, your anxiety decreases and you can proceed, knowing you have done everything possible to change the outcome. That’s all you can ask for.

Use of detox drinks and Flush Kits

Using detox drinks is one of the most popular approaches people consider when they want to flush pot out of their systems and pass drug tests. Detox drinks comprise of expensive vitamins, herbs and mineral effective in diluting urine, thus eliminating most of the toxins from the body. Most of these drinks are laxatives and diuretics, and people will respond to them, based on the specific ingredients used, differently. It is advisable you review the ingredients of the drinks, just in case you have any allergies and you should take the drink several days before the test day.

Synthetic Urine

Users find only one method guarantees they pass the urine test with no issues, and this involves the use of synthetic urine. Use this urine in place of your own on the day of the test. This ensures there is no THC present in the sample. This can be risky and for some is considered a last resort. Whatever above method you choose, just know that nothing is really 100% bulletproof and the best way to guarantee success is to observe abstinence for a period of time.

Take care when purchasing this sample. Providers often make false claims concerning their products, and this can lead to issues for you during the testing process. In addition, follow the instructions exactly. Urine must be a certain temperature for use in the testing process. If it does not fall within the temperature range, the lab discards the sample and the individual must take the test again. Learn what steps the synthetic urine provider recommends you take to ensure this doesn’t happen, and the lab accepts the sample.

You may love marijuana for a lot of reasons, but when it comes to helping you pass your drug tests, then it is the last thing your want attached to your name going across your boss’s desk. When you are or have been a user and a drug test is coming up, you will desire to flush out every bit of any component of marijuana that might still be in your system at the time of the test. But before you delve into the specific things you can do to flush pot out of your system, you should understand how the drug tests work and so that you know how best to beat them. Most of the drug tests usually involve a process known as urinalysis, which simply refers to the analysis of your urine to determine the presence of metabolites which might suggest marijuana usage. For marijuana drug tests, the commonly targeted metabolite is the level of tetrahydrocannabinol, THC in your blood. The process of flushing pot out of your system therefore, will aim at eliminating or reducing the levels of THC from your blood stream to accepted levels if not flushing everything out. Following are some of the tried and tested methods you could use to remove pot out of your system before you go in for the drug test:

Flushing Marijuana From the System Before a Drug Test

Certain states permit marijuana use for recreational and/or medicinal purposes. However, employers in these states may continue to test employees and potential employees for drug use. Each state makes its own laws regarding marijuana use and drug testing in the workplace. Why is this important? What can a person do to flush marijuana from the system before taking the required drug test?

More than half of all employers today require a drug test before providing a job offer. They use the test to eliminate candidates during a job search, and a person could find they miss out on their dream job as a result or lose a job they already have. Flushing marijuana out of the system prior to the test increases the odds of the user keeping or securing their employment.

How Long Does THC Remain in the Body?

Is it necessary to flush the body before the test? Will the test be able to detect tetrahydrocannabinol or THC? The test looks for metabolites, which are the chemicals found in THC, and they may or may not appear during the testing process. Many factors play a role in how long they remain in the body.

Metabolites typically linger in the body for approximately seven days. However, obese individuals and those who regularly smoke marijuana find they stay in the body longer, sometimes several weeks before they become undetectable. Several factors influence the amount of THC in the system.

Frequency of use affects the detectable level of THC in a person’s system, as a regular user finds they need more of their American Haze or Girl Scout Cookies in the evening to achieve the desired high. The body adapts to the amount of marijuana present in the system, so the high becomes harder to achieve without additional product. People refer to this as their tolerance level for THC. As heavy users consume more THC, they need more time to flush it from the system. Some growers simply invest in higher THC seeds the next time around, but as this continues, you need to take a tolerance break at some point in time,

The user’s metabolism dictates the time needed for the system to break this THC down and eliminate it from the body. Expect this process to take longer if you struggle with a slow metabolism. Several factors regulate the metabolic process, including age, height, weight, gender, and genetics.

Fat cells in the body store THC metabolites. Individuals with larger fat cells, such as those who are obese, find it takes longer for their system to clear the THC as a result. Certain people have larger fat cells because of a medical condition, and they find they have a similar experience with flushing THC from their bodies.

The potency of the marijuana affects the time needed to remove the metabolites from the system. Products with high THC levels lead to a stronger presence of metabolites in the body, and the metabolites must be removed prior to the drug test for a negative result.

The Different Drug Tests

Most employers rely on urine tests for drug screening. However, other tests exist that may be used for this purpose. Knowing which test they will administer could be of aid in determining how best to flush THC from the system. Whether you are a Bruce Banner or Black Domina type of smoker, you don’t necessarily want your employer to know this about you. There is nothing to be ashamed about with cannabis use, but professional and private lives ought to be kept separate, especially for a brand new position.

The most frequently used five-panel urine test looks for cannabis, amphetamines, phencyclidine, opiates, and cocaine. This remains the most commonly used test today, but there are others.

The saliva test looks for recent cannabis use. Employers choose this test to see if a person has used THC in the past 24 hours for light users and 34 hours for heavy users. Cannabis takes time to enter the bloodstream, so this test checks for any THC that remains hidden with the blood test.

A blood analysis looks to see if there is THC present in the bloodstream. THC makes its way into the bloodstream through the lungs, and this occurs immediately upon use. It remains there for two to seven days and allows the testing facility to see recent marijuana intake.

Hair tests remain uncommon, although they detect marijuana consumption in the past 90 to 120 days. The test measures metabolized THC present in the hair follicles, but cannot detect recent cannabis use. A person finds it difficult to get around this test.

Detection Windows

Every test features a different detection window that it uses when testing for THC and other chemicals. Learn the test date and monitor cannabis intake to ensure it doesn’t fall within the detection window. This allows you to pass the drug test without difficulty.

After a single use, saliva tests detect THC 12 to 24 hours after use. With urine tests, the detection window ranges from one to three days after use, and the same holds true for blood tests. Hair tests come with the longest detection window, ranging from three to five days after use to 90 days after use. However, these figures only apply to those who are light users. Heavy users have a more concentrated presence of THC in their bodies, and the detection windows remain longer as a result.

Flushing Marijuana from the System

Never assume flushing marijuana from the system is easy. Tests available today are very effective. If you wish to try, however, many methods remain available. A person may wish to combine several methods to increase the odds of the THC being undetectable on the day of the test. Following are some methods (some more obvious than others)

Halt Marijuana Consumption

The easiest way of overcoming a drug test involves stopping marijuana and other illicit drug use.  If there are no drugs in the system, a test cannot detect them. Upon learning of the drug test, stop marijuana use immediately. Although you may believe yo       u can continue until closer to this date, err on the side of caution. Know what triggers marijuana use and avoid those situations. This may be an opportunity to get into a new hobby like growing indoor seeds or outdoor seeds of your very own! If you’ve grown for a while, try an exotic strain like Auto Mandarine.

Increase Water Intake

Water dilutes the urine sample when a urinalysis is conducted. When THC levels in a sample fall below a certain level, test administrators ignore them. Consume water and the THC level in the sample drops in proportion to the sample. This boosts your chances of clearing the drug test.

Excessive water intake harms a person, so begin this process a few days before the test and stop all marijuana consumption. Drink no more than four gallons of water every day through the day of the test. This may be enough to clear the THC from the system or bring it down to an undetectable level.

Lab technicians know this technique. They examine the color of the urine and the creatine level in the body. If the creatine level is low and the urine is colorless, they may require a reexamination. This depends on the lab and the technicians carrying out the test.

Users discovered a way to get around this problem. Take Vitamin B pills before the test, as they add a natural yellow tinge to the urine sample. Consume 50 to 100 milligrams of Vitamin B-2 and B-12 a few hours before you take the test. This solves the problem of colorless urine.

Besides the vitamins, take creatine supplements six hours before the scheduled test. These supplements feature a half-life of three hours and will ensure the creative level isn’t negatively impacted by the water intake.


This is a natural way to achieve holistic detoxification for the whole body and not just for ejecting marijuana from your system. For marijuana drug tests specifically, exercising is perhaps the ideal way to pass the tests since through exercise, you will burn up the very fat cells that normally hold the THC. However, since THC is re-released into your system as the body fat burns, albeit at low levels, you should not do exercises 24 hours prior to the testing.

Healthy diet

Another effective way to clear pot out of your system and never get worried about failing a drug test is to observe a very healthy diet. The recommended diet for this purpose should be rich in fiber and it should be taken several days prior to the drug test. You can get good amounts of fiber by eating fruits and vegetables. These will do wonders in helping your digestive tract to get moving as it cleans you out during the process. You will also be excited to know that THC and its metabolites are normally excreted during the natural bowel movements and since fiber is good at improving this, you will enhance your chances of getting out most of the THC days before the test date.


Some labs take an oral sample to test for THC, although this isn’t common. If a person only has 24 hours before the scheduled drug test, certain products help to minimize the risk of THC appearing in this sample. Thirty minutes before the test, use a mouth, breath spray, or oral rinse.

If a special mouthwash is obtained for the test, read the manufacturer’s instructions. They provide information on how long the mouthwash will hide THC and when to use the product. Follow the instructions exactly to get the best outcome.

The thought of taking a drug test scares many. Failing this test could lead to the loss of a job or the rescinding of a job offer. Many people become anxious when faced with this prospect, yet they remain skeptical about their ability to lower the THC level in their bodies using different methods. This is understandable but doesn’t mean a person shouldn’t try. Learn about the test being administered and use the above methods to counteract it. When you have a plan in place, your anxiety decreases and you can proceed, knowing you have done everything possible to change the outcome. That’s all you can ask for.

Use of detox drinks and Flush Kits

Using detox drinks is one of the most popular approaches people consider when they want to flush pot out of their systems and pass drug tests. Detox drinks comprise of expensive vitamins, herbs and mineral effective in diluting urine, thus eliminating most of the toxins from the body. Most of these drinks are laxatives and diuretics, and people will respond to them, based on the specific ingredients used, differently. It is advisable you review the ingredients of the drinks, just in case you have any allergies and you should take the drink several days before the test day.

Synthetic Urine

Users find only one method guarantees they pass the urine test with no issues, and this involves the use of synthetic urine. Use this urine in place of your own on the day of the test. This ensures there is no THC present in the sample. This can be risky and for some is considered a last resort. Whatever above method you choose, just know that nothing is really 100% bulletproof and the best way to guarantee success is to observe abstinence for a period of time.

Take care when purchasing this sample. Providers often make false claims concerning their products, and this can lead to issues for you during the testing process. In addition, follow the instructions exactly. Urine must be a certain temperature for use in the testing process. If it does not fall within the temperature range, the lab discards the sample and the individual must take the test again. Learn what steps the synthetic urine provider recommends you take to ensure this doesn’t happen, and the lab accepts the sample.


Flushing Marijuana From the System Before a Drug Test

Certain states permit marijuana use for recreational and/or medicinal purposes. However, employers in these states may continue to test employees and potential employees for drug use. Each state makes its own laws regarding marijuana use and drug testing in the workplace. Why is this important? What can a person do to flush marijuana from the system before taking the required drug test?

More than half of all employers today require a drug test before providing a job offer. They use the test to eliminate candidates during a job search, and a person could find they miss out on their dream job as a result or lose a job they already have. Flushing marijuana out of the system prior to the test increases the odds of the user keeping or securing their employment.

How Long Does THC Remain in the Body?

Is it necessary to flush the body before the test? Will the test be able to detect tetrahydrocannabinol or THC? The test looks for metabolites, which are the chemicals found in THC, and they may or may not appear during the testing process. Many factors play a role in how long they remain in the body.

Metabolites typically linger in the body for approximately seven days. However, obese individuals and those who regularly smoke marijuana find they stay in the body longer, sometimes several weeks before they become undetectable. Several factors influence the amount of THC in the system.

Frequency of use affects the detectable level of THC in a person’s system, as a regular user finds they need more of their American Haze or Girl Scout Cookies in the evening to achieve the desired high. The body adapts to the amount of marijuana present in the system, so the high becomes harder to achieve without additional product. People refer to this as their tolerance level for THC. As heavy users consume more THC, they need more time to flush it from the system. Some growers simply invest in higher THC seeds the next time around, but as this continues, you need to take a tolerance break at some point in time,

The user’s metabolism dictates the time needed for the system to break this THC down and eliminate it from the body. Expect this process to take longer if you struggle with a slow metabolism. Several factors regulate the metabolic process, including age, height, weight, gender, and genetics.

Fat cells in the body store THC metabolites. Individuals with larger fat cells, such as those who are obese, find it takes longer for their system to clear the THC as a result. Certain people have larger fat cells because of a medical condition, and they find they have a similar experience with flushing THC from their bodies.

The potency of the marijuana affects the time needed to remove the metabolites from the system. Products with high THC levels lead to a stronger presence of metabolites in the body, and the metabolites must be removed prior to the drug test for a negative result.

The Different Drug Tests

Most employers rely on urine tests for drug screening. However, other tests exist that may be used for this purpose. Knowing which test they will administer could be of aid in determining how best to flush THC from the system. Whether you are a Bruce Banner or Black Domina type of smoker, you don’t necessarily want your employer to know this about you. There is nothing to be ashamed about with cannabis use, but professional and private lives ought to be kept separate, especially for a brand new position.

The most frequently used five-panel urine test looks for cannabis, amphetamines, phencyclidine, opiates, and cocaine. This remains the most commonly used test today, but there are others.

The saliva test looks for recent cannabis use. Employers choose this test to see if a person has used THC in the past 24 hours for light users and 34 hours for heavy users. Cannabis takes time to enter the bloodstream, so this test checks for any THC that remains hidden with the blood test.

A blood analysis looks to see if there is THC present in the bloodstream. THC makes its way into the bloodstream through the lungs, and this occurs immediately upon use. It remains there for two to seven days and allows the testing facility to see recent marijuana intake.

Hair tests remain uncommon, although they detect marijuana consumption in the past 90 to 120 days. The test measures metabolized THC present in the hair follicles, but cannot detect recent cannabis use. A person finds it difficult to get around this test.

Detection Windows

Every test features a different detection window that it uses when testing for THC and other chemicals. Learn the test date and monitor cannabis intake to ensure it doesn’t fall within the detection window. This allows you to pass the drug test without difficulty.

After a single use, saliva tests detect THC 12 to 24 hours after use. With urine tests, the detection window ranges from one to three days after use, and the same holds true for blood tests. Hair tests come with the longest detection window, ranging from three to five days after use to 90 days after use. However, these figures only apply to those who are light users. Heavy users have a more concentrated presence of THC in their bodies, and the detection windows remain longer as a result.

Flushing Marijuana from the System

Never assume flushing marijuana from the system is easy. Tests available today are very effective. If you wish to try, however, many methods remain available. A person may wish to combine several methods to increase the odds of the THC being undetectable on the day of the test. Following are some methods (some more obvious than others)

Halt Marijuana Consumption

The easiest way of overcoming a drug test involves stopping marijuana and other illicit drug use.  If there are no drugs in the system, a test cannot detect them. Upon learning of the drug test, stop marijuana use immediately. Although you may believe yo       u can continue until closer to this date, err on the side of caution. Know what triggers marijuana use and avoid those situations. This may be an opportunity to get into a new hobby like growing indoor seeds or outdoor seeds of your very own! If you’ve grown for a while, try an exotic strain like Auto Mandarine.

Increase Water Intake

Water dilutes the urine sample when a urinalysis is conducted. When THC levels in a sample fall below a certain level, test administrators ignore them. Consume water and the THC level in the sample drops in proportion to the sample. This boosts your chances of clearing the drug test.

Excessive water intake harms a person, so begin this process a few days before the test and stop all marijuana consumption. Drink no more than four gallons of water every day through the day of the test. This may be enough to clear the THC from the system or bring it down to an undetectable level.

Lab technicians know this technique. They examine the color of the urine and the creatine level in the body. If the creatine level is low and the urine is colorless, they may require a reexamination. This depends on the lab and the technicians carrying out the test.

Users discovered a way to get around this problem. Take Vitamin B pills before the test, as they add a natural yellow tinge to the urine sample. Consume 50 to 100 milligrams of Vitamin B-2 and B-12 a few hours before you take the test. This solves the problem of colorless urine.

Besides the vitamins, take creatine supplements six hours before the scheduled test. These supplements feature a half-life of three hours and will ensure the creative level isn’t negatively impacted by the water intake.


This is a natural way to achieve holistic detoxification for the whole body and not just for ejecting marijuana from your system. For marijuana drug tests specifically, exercising is perhaps the ideal way to pass the tests since through exercise, you will burn up the very fat cells that normally hold the THC. However, since THC is re-released into your system as the body fat burns, albeit at low levels, you should not do exercises 24 hours prior to the testing.

Healthy diet

Another effective way to clear pot out of your system and never get worried about failing a drug test is to observe a very healthy diet. The recommended diet for this purpose should be rich in fiber and it should be taken several days prior to the drug test. You can get good amounts of fiber by eating fruits and vegetables. These will do wonders in helping your digestive tract to get moving as it cleans you out during the process. You will also be excited to know that THC and its metabolites are normally excreted during the natural bowel movements and since fiber is good at improving this, you will enhance your chances of getting out most of the THC days before the test date.


Some labs take an oral sample to test for THC, although this isn’t common. If a person only has 24 hours before the scheduled drug test, certain products help to minimize the risk of THC appearing in this sample. Thirty minutes before the test, use a mouth, breath spray, or oral rinse.

If a special mouthwash is obtained for the test, read the manufacturer’s instructions. They provide information on how long the mouthwash will hide THC and when to use the product. Follow the instructions exactly to get the best outcome.

The thought of taking a drug test scares many. Failing this test could lead to the loss of a job or the rescinding of a job offer. Many people become anxious when faced with this prospect, yet they remain skeptical about their ability to lower the THC level in their bodies using different methods. This is understandable but doesn’t mean a person shouldn’t try. Learn about the test being administered and use the above methods to counteract it. When you have a plan in place, your anxiety decreases and you can proceed, knowing you have done everything possible to change the outcome. That’s all you can ask for.

Use of detox drinks and Flush Kits

Using detox drinks is one of the most popular approaches people consider when they want to flush pot out of their systems and pass drug tests. Detox drinks comprise of expensive vitamins, herbs and mineral effective in diluting urine, thus eliminating most of the toxins from the body. Most of these drinks are laxatives and diuretics, and people will respond to them, based on the specific ingredients used, differently. It is advisable you review the ingredients of the drinks, just in case you have any allergies and you should take the drink several days before the test day.

Synthetic Urine

Users find only one method guarantees they pass the urine test with no issues, and this involves the use of synthetic urine. Use this urine in place of your own on the day of the test. This ensures there is no THC present in the sample. This can be risky and for some is considered a last resort. Whatever above method you choose, just know that nothing is really 100% bulletproof and the best way to guarantee success is to observe abstinence for a period of time.

Take care when purchasing this sample. Providers often make false claims concerning their products, and this can lead to issues for you during the testing process. In addition, follow the instructions exactly. Urine must be a certain temperature for use in the testing process. If it does not fall within the temperature range, the lab discards the sample and the individual must take the test again. Learn what steps the synthetic urine provider recommends you take to ensure this doesn’t happen, and the lab accepts the sample.

You may love marijuana for a lot of reasons, but when it comes to helping you pass your drug tests, then it is the last thing your want attached to your name going across your boss’s desk. When you are or have been a user and a drug test is coming up, you will desire to flush out every bit of any component of marijuana that might still be in your system at the time of the test. But before you delve into the specific things you can do to flush pot out of your system, you should understand how the drug tests work and so that you know how best to beat them. Most of the drug tests usually involve a process known as urinalysis, which simply refers to the analysis of your urine to determine the presence of metabolites which might suggest marijuana usage. For marijuana drug tests, the commonly targeted metabolite is the level of tetrahydrocannabinol, THC in your blood. The process of flushing pot out of your system therefore, will aim at eliminating or reducing the levels of THC from your blood stream to accepted levels if not flushing everything out. Following are some of the tried and tested methods you could use to remove pot out of your system before you go in for the drug test:

Flushing Marijuana From the System Before a Drug Test

Certain states permit marijuana use for recreational and/or medicinal purposes. However, employers in these states may continue to test employees and potential employees for drug use. Each state makes its own laws regarding marijuana use and drug testing in the workplace. Why is this important? What can a person do to flush marijuana from the system before taking the required drug test?

More than half of all employers today require a drug test before providing a job offer. They use the test to eliminate candidates during a job search, and a person could find they miss out on their dream job as a result or lose a job they already have. Flushing marijuana out of the system prior to the test increases the odds of the user keeping or securing their employment.

How Long Does THC Remain in the Body?

Is it necessary to flush the body before the test? Will the test be able to detect tetrahydrocannabinol or THC? The test looks for metabolites, which are the chemicals found in THC, and they may or may not appear during the testing process. Many factors play a role in how long they remain in the body.

Metabolites typically linger in the body for approximately seven days. However, obese individuals and those who regularly smoke marijuana find they stay in the body longer, sometimes several weeks before they become undetectable. Several factors influence the amount of THC in the system.

Frequency of use affects the detectable level of THC in a person’s system, as a regular user finds they need more of their American Haze or Girl Scout Cookies in the evening to achieve the desired high. The body adapts to the amount of marijuana present in the system, so the high becomes harder to achieve without additional product. People refer to this as their tolerance level for THC. As heavy users consume more THC, they need more time to flush it from the system. Some growers simply invest in higher THC seeds the next time around, but as this continues, you need to take a tolerance break at some point in time,

The user’s metabolism dictates the time needed for the system to break this THC down and eliminate it from the body. Expect this process to take longer if you struggle with a slow metabolism. Several factors regulate the metabolic process, including age, height, weight, gender, and genetics.

Fat cells in the body store THC metabolites. Individuals with larger fat cells, such as those who are obese, find it takes longer for their system to clear the THC as a result. Certain people have larger fat cells because of a medical condition, and they find they have a similar experience with flushing THC from their bodies.

The potency of the marijuana affects the time needed to remove the metabolites from the system. Products with high THC levels lead to a stronger presence of metabolites in the body, and the metabolites must be removed prior to the drug test for a negative result.

The Different Drug Tests

Most employers rely on urine tests for drug screening. However, other tests exist that may be used for this purpose. Knowing which test they will administer could be of aid in determining how best to flush THC from the system. Whether you are a Bruce Banner or Black Domina type of smoker, you don’t necessarily want your employer to know this about you. There is nothing to be ashamed about with cannabis use, but professional and private lives ought to be kept separate, especially for a brand new position.

The most frequently used five-panel urine test looks for cannabis, amphetamines, phencyclidine, opiates, and cocaine. This remains the most commonly used test today, but there are others.

The saliva test looks for recent cannabis use. Employers choose this test to see if a person has used THC in the past 24 hours for light users and 34 hours for heavy users. Cannabis takes time to enter the bloodstream, so this test checks for any THC that remains hidden with the blood test.

A blood analysis looks to see if there is THC present in the bloodstream. THC makes its way into the bloodstream through the lungs, and this occurs immediately upon use. It remains there for two to seven days and allows the testing facility to see recent marijuana intake.

Hair tests remain uncommon, although they detect marijuana consumption in the past 90 to 120 days. The test measures metabolized THC present in the hair follicles, but cannot detect recent cannabis use. A person finds it difficult to get around this test.

Detection Windows

Every test features a different detection window that it uses when testing for THC and other chemicals. Learn the test date and monitor cannabis intake to ensure it doesn’t fall within the detection window. This allows you to pass the drug test without difficulty.

After a single use, saliva tests detect THC 12 to 24 hours after use. With urine tests, the detection window ranges from one to three days after use, and the same holds true for blood tests. Hair tests come with the longest detection window, ranging from three to five days after use to 90 days after use. However, these figures only apply to those who are light users. Heavy users have a more concentrated presence of THC in their bodies, and the detection windows remain longer as a result.

Flushing Marijuana from the System

Never assume flushing marijuana from the system is easy. Tests available today are very effective. If you wish to try, however, many methods remain available. A person may wish to combine several methods to increase the odds of the THC being undetectable on the day of the test. Following are some methods (some more obvious than others)

Halt Marijuana Consumption

The easiest way of overcoming a drug test involves stopping marijuana and other illicit drug use.  If there are no drugs in the system, a test cannot detect them. Upon learning of the drug test, stop marijuana use immediately. Although you may believe yo       u can continue until closer to this date, err on the side of caution. Know what triggers marijuana use and avoid those situations. This may be an opportunity to get into a new hobby like growing indoor seeds or outdoor seeds of your very own! If you’ve grown for a while, try an exotic strain like Auto Mandarine.

Increase Water Intake

Water dilutes the urine sample when a urinalysis is conducted. When THC levels in a sample fall below a certain level, test administrators ignore them. Consume water and the THC level in the sample drops in proportion to the sample. This boosts your chances of clearing the drug test.

Excessive water intake harms a person, so begin this process a few days before the test and stop all marijuana consumption. Drink no more than four gallons of water every day through the day of the test. This may be enough to clear the THC from the system or bring it down to an undetectable level.

Lab technicians know this technique. They examine the color of the urine and the creatine level in the body. If the creatine level is low and the urine is colorless, they may require a reexamination. This depends on the lab and the technicians carrying out the test.

Users discovered a way to get around this problem. Take Vitamin B pills before the test, as they add a natural yellow tinge to the urine sample. Consume 50 to 100 milligrams of Vitamin B-2 and B-12 a few hours before you take the test. This solves the problem of colorless urine.

Besides the vitamins, take creatine supplements six hours before the scheduled test. These supplements feature a half-life of three hours and will ensure the creative level isn’t negatively impacted by the water intake.


This is a natural way to achieve holistic detoxification for the whole body and not just for ejecting marijuana from your system. For marijuana drug tests specifically, exercising is perhaps the ideal way to pass the tests since through exercise, you will burn up the very fat cells that normally hold the THC. However, since THC is re-released into your system as the body fat burns, albeit at low levels, you should not do exercises 24 hours prior to the testing.

Healthy diet

Another effective way to clear pot out of your system and never get worried about failing a drug test is to observe a very healthy diet. The recommended diet for this purpose should be rich in fiber and it should be taken several days prior to the drug test. You can get good amounts of fiber by eating fruits and vegetables. These will do wonders in helping your digestive tract to get moving as it cleans you out during the process. You will also be excited to know that THC and its metabolites are normally excreted during the natural bowel movements and since fiber is good at improving this, you will enhance your chances of getting out most of the THC days before the test date.


Some labs take an oral sample to test for THC, although this isn’t common. If a person only has 24 hours before the scheduled drug test, certain products help to minimize the risk of THC appearing in this sample. Thirty minutes before the test, use a mouth, breath spray, or oral rinse.

If a special mouthwash is obtained for the test, read the manufacturer’s instructions. They provide information on how long the mouthwash will hide THC and when to use the product. Follow the instructions exactly to get the best outcome.

The thought of taking a drug test scares many. Failing this test could lead to the loss of a job or the rescinding of a job offer. Many people become anxious when faced with this prospect, yet they remain skeptical about their ability to lower the THC level in their bodies using different methods. This is understandable but doesn’t mean a person shouldn’t try. Learn about the test being administered and use the above methods to counteract it. When you have a plan in place, your anxiety decreases and you can proceed, knowing you have done everything possible to change the outcome. That’s all you can ask for.

Use of detox drinks and Flush Kits

Using detox drinks is one of the most popular approaches people consider when they want to flush pot out of their systems and pass drug tests. Detox drinks comprise of expensive vitamins, herbs and mineral effective in diluting urine, thus eliminating most of the toxins from the body. Most of these drinks are laxatives and diuretics, and people will respond to them, based on the specific ingredients used, differently. It is advisable you review the ingredients of the drinks, just in case you have any allergies and you should take the drink several days before the test day.

Synthetic Urine

Users find only one method guarantees they pass the urine test with no issues, and this involves the use of synthetic urine. Use this urine in place of your own on the day of the test. This ensures there is no THC present in the sample. This can be risky and for some is considered a last resort. Whatever above method you choose, just know that nothing is really 100% bulletproof and the best way to guarantee success is to observe abstinence for a period of time.

Take care when purchasing this sample. Providers often make false claims concerning their products, and this can lead to issues for you during the testing process. In addition, follow the instructions exactly. Urine must be a certain temperature for use in the testing process. If it does not fall within the temperature range, the lab discards the sample and the individual must take the test again. Learn what steps the synthetic urine provider recommends you take to ensure this doesn’t happen, and the lab accepts the sample.


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